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Laparoscopic Radical Hysterectomy versus Open Radical Hysterectomy for Carcinoma Cervix Stage 1

                                   Table 2: Complication rate laparoscopic versus open radical hysterectomy
                      Bladder    Ureteric    Hypercarbia  Postoperative   Urinary     Other post-  Two years disease
                      injuries    injury                 fever/abscess/   fistula      operative     free survival
                                                            infection                complications     rate(%)
             Ref1       –           –            –            1             –             1            100
             Ref2       7           1            –            9             –             5             94
             Ref2       –           –            –            5             –             2             94
             Ref3      3           –             –            –             1             –             94.9
             Ref4       3           –            –            –             –             –              –
             Ref5       –           1            –            –             1             –              –
             Ref6       3           1            –            –             –             –              –
             Ref7       –           –            –            –             –             –              –
             Ref8       –           –            –            –             –             –              –
             Ref9       –           –            –            –             –             –              –
             Ref10      2           1            –            –             –             4             97
             Ref11      –           –            –            –             –             –              –
             Ref12      –           –            –            –             –             –              –
             Ref12      –           –            –            –             –             –              –
             Ref 13     –           –            –            –             –             8             83
             Ref 14     –           –            –            22            –             –              –
             Ref 15     5           –            1            –            10             6              –
             Ref 16     5           1            1            –            12            19             83.7
             Ref 17     –           –            –            –             –           40%             75.5
             Ref 18     –           –            –            –             –             –             83
             Ref19      –           3            –            8             –             3             83
             Ref 20     2           –            –          30%          3.5%            4%              –

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