Page 27 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 27

SB Naval

                                      Table 1: Comparison between laparoscopic radical hysterectomy
                    Year     Type of        Number       Time      Blood   Conversion    Hospital  Vascular  Bowel
                             operation     of patients  taken for  loss (ml)  to abdominal  stay (days)  injuries  injuries
                                                      surgery (min)          surgery
             Ref1   1993     Laparoscopic    19            –          –       1            –        –       –
             Ref2   2003     Laparoscopic    71          210        300       –            1        –       1
             Ref2   2003     Abdominal      205          150        500       –            5        –       –
             Ref3   2002     Laparoscopic    78          205        225       5            –        2       –
             Ref4   1996     Laparoscopic     –            –          –       –            –        2       –
             Ref5   1994     Laparoscopic    14            –          –       –            –        –       –
             Ref6   1996     Laparoscopic    33          295          –       –            –        1       –
             Ref7   1993     Laparoscopic     8            –          –       –            –        –       –
             Ref 8  1998     Laparoscopic   150            –          –       –            –        –       –
             Ref 9  1996     Vaginal          –            –          –       –            –        –       –
             Ref 10  2003    Laparoscopic    57          186        168       2            –        2       1
             Ref11  1994     Laparoscopic    650           –          –       –            –        –       –
             Ref12  2001     Laparoscopic    70          293          –       –         11.4        –       –
             Ref 12  2001    Abdominal       70          310          –       –         22.9        –       –
             Ref13  2003     Laparoscopic   200            –          –       –            –        –       –
             Ref14  2008     Laparoscopic   200       205-344       293   14(7%)           –        –       –
             Ref 15  2006    Laparoscopic   317            –          –       4           12        7       1
             Ref16  2008     Laparoscopic   295          162        230       5            –        7       3
             Ref17  2004     Abdominal        –            –          –       –         10.3        1       1
             Ref18  1967     Abdominal      204            –          –       –            –        –       –
             Ref19  1990     Abdominal       44            –          –       –            –        –       –
             Ref20  1997     Abdominal      302            –          –       –            –       11       –

            frequently after the abdominal approach. The mean duration of  lymphovascular space involvement can be identified by
            hospital stay was significantly shorter for patients treated by  laparoscopic staging and are ideal candidates for LARVH. 13
            laparoscopic-vaginal surgery (11.4 vs 22.8 days). 12
               Between August 1994 and June 2002, 200 patients with  SUMMARY OF RESULTS
            cervical cancer (TNM stage 1a1, L1 n = 6, 1a2 n = 21, 1b1 n = 89,
            1b2 n = 26, 2a n = 11, 2b n = 45, 3a n = 1, 4 n = 1; squamous cell       Laparoscopic RH    Open RH
            carcinoma 76.5%, adenocarcinoma 23.5%) were treated with  Number of patients        862          825
            LARVH (type II n = 102, type III n = 98) (Table 1).  Time taken for operation  186-344 minutes 150-310 minutes
            Results: Para-aortic lymphadenectomy was performed in 170  Blood loss         225-344 ml   400-500 ml
            (85%) patients and pelvic lymphadenectomy was performed in  Conversion: Lap to open  1.5-25%      –
            all 200 patients. In 26 (13%) patients positive lymph nodes were  Hospital stay  5-12 days  10-23 days
            found. Major intraoperative injuries occurred in 6% of patients.  Vascular injury  3-5%         0-1%
            Postoperative complications occurred in 8% of patients.  Bowel injury            1.5-2%         0-1%
            Incidence of complications decreased significantly when  Bladder injury         3.5-10%      1-1.34%
            comparing the first half with the second half of patients. After a  Ureteric injury  2%          2%
            median follow-up time of 40 months, overall 5-year survival  Postoperative        5-7%         5-20%
            could be projected to 83%; 18.5% of patients experienced  Infective morbidity
            recurrence with 35% exclusively extrapelvic and 11% of patients  Hypercarbia     0.5-1%           —
            died of recurrence. Independent prognostic factors for  Bowel fistula          0.5-0.75%          —
            recurrence-free survival were tumor stage, lymph node status,  Urinary fistulas   2-3%           1%
            and combined involvement of lymphovascular and      Disease free survival      83-94.9%     75.6-94%
            angiovascular space. In the absence of these risk factors
            projected 5-year survival was 98%.                 DISCUSSION
            Conclusion: Patients with tumor < 4 cm, negative lymph nodes,  Looking at the comparative analysis shown in Table 2 the
            and the absence of the combination of angio- and   laparoscopic radical hysterectomy with lymphadenectomy has

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