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Laparoscopic Radical Hysterectomy versus Open Radical Hysterectomy for Carcinoma Cervix Stage 1
             REVIEW ARTICLE
            Laparoscopic Radical Hysterectomy versus

            Open Radical Hysterectomy for Carcinoma

            Cervix Stage 1

            SB Naval
            Consultant, Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Naval Hospital and IVF Center, Jalgaon-425001, Maharashtra, India

              The present review has considered good number of studies involving fair large number of patients operated with both modalities for
              carcinoma cervix stage 1. Minor differences in the operative techniques are ignored. Overall operation time for laparoscopic procedures
              was required more. Incidence of intraoperative complication was also higher in addition to inherent complications related to
              pneumoperitoneum. However, results in terms of disease free survival between the groups were comparable.
                Advantages pertaining to reduced hospital stay and better cosmesis with laparoscopic modality at present do not outweigh the higher
              incidence of intraoperative complication than that in open radical hysterectomy group.
              Keywords: Radical hysterectomy, stage 1 cancer cervix, laparoscopy.

            INTRODUCTION                                       Results: Between November 1996 to December 2003,71 and 205
                                                               patients have undergone LARVH and RAH, respectively, for
            In Indian population cervical cancer is in the first position
            amongst cancers of reproductive organs. Even in the patients  FIGO stage IA/IB carcinoma of the cervix. Both groups were
            where detection of disease is not very late the easy and fully  similar with respect to age and Quetelet index. All laparoscopic
            satisfactory modality of treatment still is been searched. Advent  procedures were completed successfully with no conversions
            of modern technology has made available laparoscopic mode.  to laparotomy. Intraoperative morbidity characteristics analyzed
            It is worthwhile to find whether the laparoscopic radical  (LARVH vs RAH) were blood loss 300 ml vs 500 ml (P < 0.001),
            hysterectomy with pelvic and para-aortic lymadenectomy is a  operative time 3.5 hours vs  2.5 hours (P < 0.001), and
            better option.                                     intraoperative complications 13% vs 4% (P < 0.03). Intraoperative
                                                               complications in the LARVH group included: cystotomy (7),
            METHODOLOGY                                        ureteric injury (1), and bowel injury.  There was no difference in
                                                               transfusion rates. There was no difference between
            Scope of review of published articles on this subject was made  postoperative infectious and noninfectious complications
            available through the search into Google, Highwire Press, Yahoo,  (LARVH vs RAH), 9% vs 5% and 5% vs 2%, respectively. The
            and Surgical Endoscopy journals.
                                                               median time to normal urine residual was 10 days vs 5 days (P <
                                                               0.001), and the median length of hospital stay was 1 day vs 5
                                                               days (P < 0.001). After a median follow-up of 17 and 21 months,
            In a study at the university of Puerto Rico nineteen women  there have been 4 recurrences in the LARVH group and 13 in
            underwent laparoscopic radical hysterectomy or     the RAH (P = NS). The overall 2 years recurrence-free survival
            laparoscopically assisted vaginal radical hysterectomy, with  was 94% and 94% in the LARVH and RAH groups, respectively
            pelvic node dissection and para-aortic node dissection when  (P = NS). The major benefits are less intraoperative blood loss
            indicated. One procedure was converted to laparotomy due to  and shorter hospital stay. It is a safe procedure with low overall
            equipment failure, two minor postoperative complications. The  morbidity and complication rates. However, at present, LARVH
            second was incisional bleeding, which was controlled with  is associated with an increase in intraoperative complications,
            sutures applied using a local anesthetic, there have been no  and patients may have an increased time to return to normal
            incidents of recurrence. 1                         bladder function. 2
               Study of patients treated by laparoscopic-assisted radical
            vaginal hysterectomy (LARVH) with time-matched radical  STUDY DESIGN–1
            abdominal hysterectomy (RAH) controls at our center. Records
            of all patients with FIGO stage IA/IB cervical cancer undergoing  Seventy-eight consecutive patients with stage IA  and IB
            radical surgery was studied.                       cervical cancer with at least 3 years of follow-up consented to

            World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2009;2(3):23-28                         23
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