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Comparative Study of Postoperative Adhesions by Laparotomy and Laparoscopic Procedures

            Diagnosis and Sex vs   Procedure Correlation;      Previous Surgeries
            Age vs  Clinical Presentation; Sex vs  Diagnosis
                                                               In the present study, all the 50 patients underwent
            Laparoscopy and adhesiolysis was done in 16 cases who  laparotomy for some cause. No cases were available for
            presented with pain abdomen, of which 11 were female  study that underwent laparoscopy in first instance. This
            and 5 male. Laparotomy and adhesiolysis was done in 34  shows that there is a reduction of adhesion formation after
            cases that presented with acute and subacute intestinal  laparoscopic surgery compared to open surgery.
            obstruction of which 20 male and 14 female cases.     Gutt CN et al reported that in all clinical studies most of
                                                               the experimental studies found a reduction of adhesion
            Intraoperative Complications                       formation after laparoscopic surgery compared to open
                                                               surgery. Schafer M et al reported that laparoscopic surgical
            Intraoperative complications—1 case in laparoscopy had
                                                               procedures with their minimal access to abdominal cavity
            the intraoperative complication of bleeding. 7 cases had intra-
                                                               are associated with fewer postoperative adhesions compared
            operative complication in laparotomy—3 enterotomy, 2
                                                               to open surgery, although adhesion formation cannot be
            bleeding, 1 resection and anostomosis and 1 resection with
                                                               entirely prevented. Levrant SG et al reported prior
            ileostomy. 41 cases (82%) did not have any intraoperative
                                                               laparotomy, whether through a midline vertical or
            complications.                                     suprapubic transverse incision, significantly increased the
                                                               frequency of anterior abdominal wall adhesion and thus
            DISCUSSION                                         adhesions may complicate the placement of the laparoscopic

            Postoperative adhesions are one of the common surgical  cannula through the umbilicus. Majewsji WD reported
                                                               laparoscopic treatment of patients with acute abdomen
            problems all over the world. There is a little evidence that
                                                               offers an outcome comparable to that achieved with open
            development of adhesions in humans less prevalent following
            laparoscopic procedures versus open (laparotomy)   approach. There were fewer episodes of adhesions ileus in
                                                               laparoscopic patients. Consequently the operative treatment
            procedures. Major clinical concerns associated with post-
                                                               of acute abdomen patients by laparoscopy can be
            operative adhesion formation are small bowel obstruction,
                                                               recommended. In the present study, appendicectomy and
            chronic abdominal and pelvic pain, infertility. Open and
                                                               cholecystectomy were the leading previous surgeries which
            laparoscopic adhesiolysis is done to treat the patient
                                                               led to adhesion formation in males. Cesarian, appendi-
            presenting with adhesion related complications. This study
                                                               cectomy, hysterectomy were the leading previous surgeries
            highlights the magnitude of problem of adhesion and
                                                               in females. Menzies D, Ellis H31 reported cholecystectomy,
            treatment of the same by laparoscopic and laparotomy.
                                                               appendicectomy, colon surgery and pelvic surgery are
            About 50 patients were treated from March 2007 to
                                                               associated more with adhesion formation. This study
            Februrary 2009.
                                                               coincides with present study. In present study, all 50 patients
                                                               presented with pain abdomen. Distension of abdomen was
            Age Incidence
                                                               present in 20 males and absent in 5 whereas
            The youngest patient in the study was of 5 years and oldest
                                                               13 females presented with distention and absent in 12.
            patient was 85 years old. The mean age was 40.10 years of  Vomiting was present in 10 patients, 7 males and 3 females.
            this 42.92 years for male and 37.32 years for female. The
            mean difference in the age between male and female is not  Clinical Presentation
            statistically significant. In this study, 54% of patient belonged
                                                               In present study, 34 patients presented with obstructive
            to 21 to 40 years of age.
                                                               symptoms. 14 acute and 20 subacute intestinal obstructions.
               Previous studies by Majewski WD reported the mean
                                                               16 patients presented with chronic pain abdomen which
            age of 38.9 ± 19.9 years.                          was off more than 6 month duration. Menzies D et al 31

               Parent S et al reported in his study the mean age of 48.2  reported small bowel obstruction, chronic abdominal and
            years. These studies almost correlate with present study.  pelvic pain, infertility are of major clinical concern associated
                                                               with adhesion. Schafer M et al reported early and late bowel
            Sex Incidence
                                                               obstruction, chronic abdominal pain and infertility all the
            In the present study, there were 25 males and 25 females  main clinical complications and they also increase the
            among 50 cases. The male female ratio is 1:1.      socioeconomic costs.
            World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2010;3(1):31-36                              33
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