Page 27 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 27

Kaundinya Kiran Bharatam

               laparoscopic colectomy or laparoscopic assisted  laparoscopic surgery.  Such short-term alterations and their
               colectomy. Once the rectum is delivered through the  long-term implications on tumor recurrence and patient
               perineal wound, one of the ports is used on left side to  survival though unknown, yet some effects of open surgery
               fashion an end colostomy.                       may be more deleterious than when the operation is
                  Ideal extent of resection is defined by the removal  performed laparoscopically. Wu et al found that in patients
               of the blood supply and lymphatics at the level of origin  with colonic carcinoma, postoperative leukocyte counts and
               of the primary feeding arterial vessel. Furthermore, the  leukocyte subpopulations normalized earlier after
               lesion should be excised en bloc with tumor-free radial  laparoscopic colectomy than after open surgery.
               margins (R0) to be considered curative. 4,6
                                                               PROSPECTIVE RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED
            a. Port-site tumor recurrence: Several theories had been
                                                               A review of conducted prospective randomized controlled
               proposed for the possible increase in incidence of wound
                                                               trials revealed the efficacy of laparoscopic colorectal surgery
               metastasis associated with laparoscopic surgery
                                                               for malignancy. The United Kingdom Medical Research
               including mechanical, metabolic, immunologic and  Council Conventional vs Laparoscopic Assisted Surgery in
               hematogenous routes of tumor implantation. 7  Direct,
                                                               Colorectal Cancer (UK MRC CLASICC; clinical trial no
               mechanical contamination from contact between the
                                                               ISRCTN 74883561) trial is a randomized clinical study of
               excised tumor mass and the wound site was initially
                                                               laparoscopic- assisted vs  convenctional open surgery in
               believed to be a logical etiology; although wound
                                                               patients with colorectal cancer. Approximately 794 patients
               metastasis have occurred at other port sites, suggesting
                                                               were randomized (268 open and 526 laparoscopic) between
               the role of alternative mechanisms.  Despite the benefit             14
                                                               July, 96 and June, 2002.
               in decreased systemic cell mediated immune suppression
                                                                  The 3-year overall survival (OS) for all patients was
               associated with laparoscopy, CO  has been shown to
                                           2                   67.8 % with 87 deaths in the open arm and 161 deaths in
               result in an acidotic intraperitoneal environment and
                                                               the laparoscopic arm. Overall cause of death was similar in
               impaired peritoneal macrophage function contributing  both arms. There was no difference in 3-year OS for patients
               to local tumor implantation. 9-11  But still use of wound
                                                               with either colon or rectal cancer. Overall, there was no
               protectors and specimen extraction bags to prevent direct
                                                               evidence of a difference between the two techniques for
               contamination of incision sites and use of a general
                                                               any stage of disease, though a nonsignificant trend was
               cytotoxic substance like povidone-iodine were excellent
                                                               observed for improved 3-year OS after laparoscopic surgery
               in preventing port-site incisional tumor implantation after
                                                               in patients with Dukes’ A rectal cancers. The 3-year disease
                                                               free survival (DFS) for all patients was 66.8%. There was
            b. Missing hepatic metastatic lesions: Due to the loss of
                                                               no difference between the two surgical techniques in
               tactile sensation, concern regarding potential to miss
                                                               3-year DFS.
               hepatic metastatic lesions did arise. The use of
                                                                  The overall local recurrence rate at 3 years was 8.4%.
               intraoperative laparoscopic ultrasonography to effectively
                                                               The overall distant recurrence rate at 3 years was 14.9%.
               evaluate liver for lesions has eased this issue.
                                                               Overall there were 10 wound/port-site recurrences within
            c. Technical expertise in laparoscopic procedure.
                                                               3 years of randomization. There was one wound/port-site
                                                               recurrence in the open arm and nine wound/port-site
                                                               recurrences in the laparoscopic arm. The open wound/port-
                                                               site recurrence was 0.6% and laparoscopic wound/port-
            The systemic immune system’s physiological response to  site recurrence was 2.5%. Patients developing wound/port-
            surgical trauma affects several metabolic pathways,  site recurrences tended to have larger tumors (median
            producing a state of immunosupression that varies  diameter 45 mm) compared to patients without wound/port-
            according to the extent of operative trauma. 12  This was  site recurrence (median diameter 35 mm), more advanced
            suggested by smaller elevations in serum interleukin (IL-6),  disease (7 of 10 had Dukes’ C1 or C2 cancers), or evidence
            tumor necrosis factor and C-reactive protein (CRP) after  of intra-abdominal recurrence (7 of 10).
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