Page 31 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 31

Rama Hegde

               Patients who presented with pain abdomen, distension,  points, age, sex, symptoms, examination finding, previous
            vomiting who previously underwent some abdominal surgical  surgeries, operative procedure adopted and duration of
            procedure were considered for the study. Patients who  hospital stay.
            recovered after conservative management were not included
            in study.                                          RESULTS
               The patients with above symptoms are admitted to ward
                                                               The study of 50 cases of postoperative adhesions by laparo-
            with provisional diagnosis of acute, subacute intestinal
                                                               tomy and laparoscopic procedures from March 2007 to
            obstruction and pain abdomen, assuming postoperative
                                                               February 2009.
            adhesions as a cause. A detailed history, previous surgery
            and examination were done. The routine investigations were
                                                               Age vs Sex Correlation
            done. RBS, S, blood urea, serum creatinine was also done.
            Serum electrolytes were done for patient who presented  In our study, Male:Female ratio is 1:1. 28% of the cases
            with features of obstruction. Plain X-ray abdomen was done  that is 14 off the 50 cases were in the age group of 31 to 40
            for all cases presenting with features of obstruction. CT  followed by 26% of the cases in age group of 21 to 30.
            scan of abdomen was not done on any patients as diagnosis
            of obstruction was made out by X-ray. ECG and chest X-  Sex vs  Pain Abdomen, Distension and Vomiting
            ray were done in elderly individuals and individuals with
                                                               All the 50 cases presented with pain abdomen. Distension
            significant clinical findings. Routine ultrasound scanning of
                                                               of abdomen was present in 20 off the 25 male patients.
            abdomen was not done due to want of 24 hours emergency
                                                               Among females 13 cases presented with distension of
            services but they were done during office hours and out
                                                               abdomen and absent in 12 cases. This shows distension of
            side the institution wherever possible.
                                                               abdomen is less common in females than in males in our
               Immediately after admission along with above procedure
                                                               study. Ten cases presented with vomiting 7 male and 3
            resuscitation with IV  fluids especially ringer lactate and
            normal saline infusion started till hydration and urine output
            becomes normal. For patients with obstructive features
                                                               Age and Sex vs Previous Surgeries and
            nasogastric decompression with Ryles tube carried and  Frequency
            antibiotic prophylaxis started. Close observation of all
            parameters (like pulse rate, blood pressure, abdominal girth,  Previous appendicectomy was the commonest surgery done
            bowel sounds, tenderness and guarding looked for. Patients  constituting 20(40%) of the 50 cases. Among males
            who recovered from obstructive features by passing bowels,  appendicectomy was the commonest previous surgery
            reduction in pain and tenderness were managed conser-  followed by cholecystectomy. Among females 11 cases
            vatively and were excluded from the study. Patients with  underwent previous cesarean section followed by
            above signs and symptoms and in patients with clear cut  hysterectomy. Cases which underwent previous appendi-
            signs and symptoms of intestinal obstruction for long  cectomy and cesarian section are of younger age group.
            duration were managed with surgical procedures. Patient  Previous hysterectomy and cholecystectomy belonged to
            presenting with features of obstruction were posted for  older age group.
            laparotomy and adhesiolysis was done. Patients presenting
            with long-lasting pain abdomen were chosen for     Diagnosis
            laparoscopic procedure. I attended operative procedures in
                                                               34 cases presented with obstructive features. 14 with acute
            majority of cases and findings were recorded and
                                                               and 20 with subacute intestinal obstruction. 16 cases
            photographs were taken. Surgery adopted and criteria for
                                                               presented with chronic pain abdomen.
            deciding the procedures were noted. The postoperative period
            was monitored carefully and all parameters were recorded
                                                               Sex vs  Diagnosis Correlation
            four hourly bases depending upon patient’s general
            condition. Postoperative follow-up after discharging of  Acute intestinal obstruction was more common among
            patients was done in majority of patients up to 3 months.  males (44%). Among females, subacute intestinal
            Most of the patients did not come for follow-up after one  obstruction and chronic pain abdomen (44%) was a common
            or two visits. The results are tabulated stressing the following  presentation.

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