Page 37 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 37

Shelar Sharad Shivdas

                                                                  The advantage of the new instrument is that it can be
                                                               used as a tissue holding without trauma, cutting, coagulation,
                                                               hemostasis of a bleeder as well as blunt dissection without
                                                               changing the instrument. If a pedicle is having big vessel
                                                               one can coagulate it in gradual steps and cutting under vision
                                                               to confirm complete hemostasis and with out charring of
                                                               tissue and minimum lateral thermal tissue damage.
                                                                  The instrument can be used to hold structure like bowel,
                                                               adnexa for manipulation. The scissors can be used for
                                                               continuous cutting of peritoneum, avascular bands, adhesion
                        Fig. 3: Scissors with hidden bipolar   and sharp dissection.
                                                                  The other advantages of the instrument are, it is cheap
                                                               and doesent require costly endosurgical unit or ultrasonic
                                                               device. The instrument can be reused, autoclavable and has
                                                               minimum maintenance.
                                                                  The scissors is not damaged by charring and frequent
                                                               cleaning as in roboscissors, Multifunctional bipolar
                                                               scissors  and ligasure where sliding blade becomes blunt.
                                                               Few pediatric laparoscopic surgeon use single stapler for
                                                               appendix along with mesoappendix. This method may be
                                                               risky in case of thick turgid or very thin appendix as stapler
                         Fig. 4: Bipolar cautery forceps       pin may not hold the tissue firmly.

            the tissue is released. Now keeping the instrument in same  CLINICAL USE
            position the knob of the scissors is pressed with thumb of  A laparoscopic surgeon can use the said instrument for
            same hand thus projecting out the scissors (Fig. 3). The  coagulation, cutting and dissection as a single step or in
            scissor unit will automatically get locked. Now put the  combination as per requirement.
            thumb of same hand in ring of scissors which will operate
                                                               Method of Coagulation
            the jaws. Once the tissue is cut a button at the backside of
            the bipolar U arm is pressed, unlocking the unit and the  A tissue, vessel or a pedicle to deal with is held between the
            scissors will be retracted inside. Now the instrument is ready  two jaws of the bipolar forceps. It is cauterized with
            for bipolar cauterization (Fig. 4).                coagulation current in short period to prevent charring of
                                                               the tissue. If minimum of current and high voltage is used
            DISCUSSION                                         maximum effect of coagulation is achieved by cogulative
                                                               necrosis of tissue and fluids. The further heat spread to
            The instrument can be used with single hand very easily. The
                                                               surrounding tissue can be prevented by irrigation of the
            surgeon should have proper knowledge of principles of
                                                               electrodes by glycine or weak electrolyte solution. Thus
            electrosurgical dynamics to achieve maximum effect of  lateral tissue damage is mininmal.
            coagulation and minimum side effects. 1,7,9  If properly used
            with irrigation a vessel up to 5 mm can be coagulated. 3,11,  Method of Cutting
                There are better coagulating systems like harmonic,  Once the tissue is optimally coagulated the tissue is relased
            ligasure  available but they are costly and the operating handles  and the scissor is protruted by pressing the thumb knob.Now
            have to be changed after 5 to 6 sittings. There are other  the tissue is cut under vision with presision by the scissors
            limitations like Ligasure can not be used as dissector and its  with movement of the ring. One can guarded cutting under
            cutting of tissue with monopoler current/sliding blade is blind.  vision, as if there is incomplete hemostasis immediately
               It also cannot be used as plain scissors. Harmonic is  coagulation can be done.
            good dissector, excellent coagulant but it is not useful if a
            vessel starts bleeding profusely. It can be dangerous if its
            oscillating jaw which is in lowerside touches underling  The described dual instrument has become very useful in
            important structure like vessel, ureter or bowel. 8  laparoscopic surgery in our hands.The bipolar cautery

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