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                                                                Laparoscopy in Colorectal Malignancies: Current Concepts
             REVIEW ARTICLE
            Laparoscopy in Colorectal Malignancies:

            Current Concepts

            Kaundinya Kiran Bharatam

            Surgical Registrar, Global Hospitals, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
            Correspondence: Kaundinya Kiran Bharatam, Surgical Registrar, Global Hospitals, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India

              Laparoscopic surgery has widely spread in the treatment of colorectal cancer. For colorectal cancers, many randomized controlled
              trials regarding short-term outcome demonstrate that laparoscopic surgery is feasible, safe and has many benefits including reduction
              in a perioperative mortality. In terms of long-term outcome, four randomized controlled trials insist that there are no differences in both
              laparoscopic and open surgeries proving oncologic safety and that the long-term outcome is at least not inferior to open resection.
              However, there are still more important issues including long-term oncological outcome for advanced colon cancer, costeffectiveness
              and the impact on quality of life of patients.
              Keywords: Colorectal malignancies, laparoscopy in colorectal malignancies, cancer sigmoid colon, rectal cancer.

            INTRODUCTION                                       study, number of cases, methods of analysis, and institutions
                                                               where studies were conducted.
            After the acceptance of laparoscopy as the gold standard
            management for cholelithiasis, more and more thoughts are
                                                               VARIOUS OPERATIVE TECHNIQUES AVAILABLE
            now being directed towards the use of laparoscopy in
            colorectal cancer surgery. Advantages of laparoscopic  The learning curve for laparoscopic colorectal cancer
            surgery like less postoperative pain, shorter hospital stay,  surgery is estimated to be 35 to 50 procedures. As mentioned
            decreased incidence of paralytic ileus, improved cosmesis,  the 3 minimally invasive techniques used to resect the colon/
            less intraoperative blood loss, decreased use of narcotics,  rectum are:
            and fewer postoperative wound complications have been  – Laparoscopic colorectal surgery, in which the mesentry
            the driving force of this consideration. 1-3  But concerns  and the bowel are mobilized and transected
            remain regarding potential violation of principles of oncologic  laparoscopically. The anastomosis of the colon/rectum
            surgery, technical aspects of performing the procedure,  is done intracorporeally or extracorporeally. The
            adequate staging capability, and existing learning curves. 4,5  specimen is removed from the abdomen via a small
            Port-site recurrences were the major setback in the use of  extraction incision, often the same incision through
            laparoscopy for colorectal malignancies. Hence investigators  which the anastomosis may be performed or via the
            embarked on conducting multicentric randomized controlled  perineal wound created in perineal dissection of the rectal
            trials to compare the effect of laparoscopic colorectal  mobilization.
            surgery and open surgery for colorectal malignancy in terms  – Laparoscopic-assisted colorectal surgery is executed
                                                                  with full laparoscopic mobilization of the colon and
            of recurrence and survival.
                                                                  rectum followed by externalization of the bowel through
                                                                  a small incision. The resection and the anastomosis is
                                                                  done extracorporeally.
            A literature search was performed using Medline and search  – Hand-assisted laparoscopic colorectal surgery is a hybrid
            engine Google. The following search terms were used   that shares techniques of laparoscopic and open surgery,
            “laparoscopy” and “colorectal malignancies”. More than  a hand port is used to aid in the retraction, mobilization,
            1500 citations were found. Selected papers were screened  and dissection of the bowel. The actual resection and
            for further references. Criteria for selection was year of  anastomosis of the colon can be performed as in a

            World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2010;3(1):27-30                              27
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