Page 41 - WJOLS - Laparoscopic Journal
P. 41

Vaduneme K Oriji

            testosterone levels (hyperandrogenemia) and the presence  is retained in the bladder in the theater and anesthesia
            of polycystic ovaries as recognized at the ESHRE/ASRM  administered.
            consensus meeting in Rotterdam in 2003. A refined definition
            of the PCOS also was agreed and this encompasses a  ANESTHESIA
            description of the morphology of the polycystic ovary. It
            was agreed that the criteria fulfilling sufficient specificity  An intravenous access is secured with maintenance of water
            and sensitivity to define the polycystic ovary (PCO) are the  and electrolyte balance.
            presence of 12 or more follicles measuring 2 to 9 mm in  General anesthesia with endotrachial intubation and close
            diameter and increased ovarian volume (>10 cm ). If there  monitoring is recommended.
            is a follicle greater than 10 mm in diameter, the scan should
            be repeated at a time of ovarian quiescence to calculate  Patient Position
            volume and area.  Patients presenting with this description  Patient should be in steep Trendelenburg’s and Lithotomy
            are termed to be clomiphene citrate resistant if they fail to  position. 5
            ovulate after 3 to 4 cycles of treatment with CC. Some of
            these patients are offered LOD while others are offered  Position of Surgical Team
            other chemotherapeutic agents such as gonadotrophins,  The surgeon stands to the left of the patient with camera
            metformin, GnRHa to overcome the problem of anovulation  man on his right. Monitor should be placed opposite the
            and infertility in the CC resistant women. 2-5
                                                               surgeon to maintain co-axial alignment. One assistant should
                                                               stand between the patient’s legs to do uterine manipulation
            EVOLUTION OF LOD
                                                               if required and the instrument trolley should be towards the
            Ovarian wedge resection was the mode of treatment for  left leg of the patient with a scrubbed assistant.
            women with PCOS prior to the ‘70s when CC was
            introduced as an ovulation induction agent. Physicians  Port Positions and Ovarian Drilling
            thought that it was the increased ovarian size that resulted
            in the anovulation and infertility and so wedge resection  The patient is cleaned, painted with antiseptic lotion and
            was considered appropriate. This was a major breakthrough  draped. The light cable, insuffilation tube, electrosurgical
            as it resulted in about 80% ovulation and 50% conception  cautery wires, suction irrigation tube and Veress needle
            rates. However, many of the women later reverted back to  should be checked. Focusing and white balancing of the
            the anovulatory state and the development of postoperative  telescope is done, then pneumoperitoneum is created by
            pelvic adhesions was thought to be the cause of the low  Veress needle using the inferior crease of the umbilicus.
            pregnancy rates.  With the advent of CC, which had the  Once pneumoperitoneum has been created then 10 mm or
            advantage of cost and low monitoring, and high ovulation  5 mm port is introduced into the abdominal cavity through
            and pregnancy rates, a group of women was identified that  the inferior crease of the umbilicus for a 5 mm or 10 mm
            failed to ovulate with CC. Laparoscopic ovarian drilling was  telescope. Another 5 mm port is introduced into the
            introduced in the ‘90s as another surgical method of  abdominal cavity under vision through the left iliac fossae
            ovulation induction with the aim of minimising the pelvic  and a diagnostic laparoscopy with chromotubation for tubal
            adhesions caused by open surgery. This has met with certain  patency done. Thereafter, an atraumatic grasper is used to
            degree of success with respect to restoring ovulation and  hold the utero-ovarian ligament to stabilize the ovary to
            fertility with reduction in chances of pelvic adhesion.  perform the ovarian drilling.  Laparoscopic treatment
                                                               options include multiple ovarian punch biopsy, ovarian

            OPERATIVE CARE AND TECHNIQUE OF THE LOD            electrocauterization and laser vaporization or photo-
                                                               coagulation, harmonic scapel.  About 4 to 5 holes drilled
            Preoperative Preparation                           into each ovary is adequate 2-4,7,9  and are relatively easy to
            Patient is screened for medical diseases through the history,  perform with the procedure lasting about 30 minutes in
            physical examinations and ancillary investigations, and  experienced hands. These options of drilling into the ovary
            usually for infertility if present. Patient will undergo an  have similar success rate in inducing ovulation and achieving
            overnight fast prior to surgery. An indwelling urinary catheter  pregnancy. 8
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