Page 45 - WJOLS - Laparoscopic Journal
P. 45

Toma Florin

            OPERATIVE TECHNIQUE                                   Other common encountered complication were fistula
                                                               formation, which occurs across a broad spectrum, ranging
            The laparoscopic procedure has been performed by either  from fistulas of the skin or umbilicus to colocutaneous or
            an attending surgeon or resident under direct staff  colovesical fistulas. Due to the fact that complications of
            supervision. The study included both elective and emergency  lost gallstones in LC are infrequent, occurring in
            cases. A four-trocar technique with a 30° angled   approximately 1,7 per 1000 LCs,  diagnosis becomes very
            laparoscopic video camera was used. Dissection of the  difficult, if the complication occurs late. The incidence of
            gallbladder was performed using a combination of   lost gallstones in LC may be summarized at approximately
            electrocautery and blunt dissection with fine graspers, and  2%, out of 8 studies with more than 500 LCs. From this
            the cystic artery and cystic duct were ligated with titanium  estimation, we can calculate that 8.5% of these lost gallstones
            clips. The gallbladder was removed through either the  will lead to a complication.
            umbilical or epigastric port. When perforation of the  During this systemic search of the literature, several
            gallbladder occurred, attempts were made to retrieve all  factors that lead to the development of severe septic
            spilled stones, and the peritoneal cavity was irrigated with  complications were found. As shown in several studies, 2-7
            saline solution to evacuate the spilled bile. Patients typically  whether the bile is infected or not, bile and gallstones are at
            received one preoperative and one postoperative dose of  an increased risk for abscess formation and formation of
            antibiotic, most commonly a cephalosporin. In patients with  adhesions. The type of stones is one of the factors involved
            acute cholecystitis, especially when the bile culture was  in complication occurence; more experimental studies and
            positive, broad-spectrum antibiotics were administered for  reported cases show that the bacterial contamination is less
            a longer period depending on the clinical situation.  in cholesterol calculi than in pigment stones (black, brown
                                                               or mixed). The size and number of spilled gallstones is
            RESULTS                                            another involved factor. In Brockmann et al  systemic
                                                               review, a total of 91 patients had 555 stones in locations
            The purpose of the study was to perform a systemic literature  ranging from the abdominal wall to all possible intra-
            search in order to identify the different possible outcomes  abdominal sites. At the time of reoperation, 40% of these
            of the infrequent but severe laparoscopic cholecystectomy  patients were found to have 15 or more stones. Based on
            complications, the different possible outcomes, few  these systemic observations, they concluded that the risk
            suggestions to prevent these and their management. The  factors for complications because of lost gallstones are, as
            most frequent complications that were found published are:  summarized by Woodfield et al,  stone size (>1.5 cm),
            intra-abdominal abscesses and abscesses of the abdominal  spillage of pigment stones, acute cholecystitis with infected
            wall, followed by subhepatic and subphrenic abscesses.  bile, multiple stones (>15 stones), and age. From the
            (Fig. 1).                                          published case reports and studies as well as the
                                                               experimental studies, we can conclude that spilled stones
                                                               are no indication for laparotomy if the following therapeutic
                                                               guidelines are followed.

                                                               A great number of animal experiments have been conducted
                                                               in order to study the fate of the retained intraperitoneal
                                                                  Using the rat model, Zisman et al , performed a study
                                                               during a follow-up period of one year and he found no
                                                               systemic deleterious outcome except for minor local effects
                                                               due to the presence of the implanted gallstones.
                                                                  They have concluded that there is no systemic illness
                                                               associated with the presence of gallstones in the peritoneal
                                                               cavity and the local effects consisted mainly of fibrosis,
             Fig. 1: CT scan which shows intra-abdominal mass representing
                     the gallstones and the surrounding reaction  adhesions, and mild local inflammatory reaction in 83% of

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