Page 38 - WJOLS - Laparoscopic Journal
P. 38

Thawatchai Tullavardhana

            But overall complication and length of hospital stay are not  – Spleen: Splenic injury occurs during left adrenalectomy.
            different. 15                                            This condition can be managed by argon plasma
                                                                     coagulation and hemostasis agent. If this is not control
            Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic                  bleeding, splenorrhaphy or splenectomy may be
            Surgery (NOTES) for Adrenalectomy                        necessary.

            The concept of NOTES is “incisionless surgery”. This  – Pancreas: If pancreatic injury occurs at tail of
            technique access by transgastric or, transvagina or      pancreas, distal pancreatectomy is a surgical option.
            transcolonic approach to access peritoneal cavity. That can  If there is uncertainty of pancreatic injury
            allows perform intra-abdominal surgery without surgical  management by leaving of closed suction drainage
            scar.                                                    and total parenteral nutrition.
               In present role of NOTES for adrenalectomy are only  – Visceral organ: Small bowel, colonic injury may
            reports in many porcine or cadaveric models. Transvaginal  occur during laparoscopic adrenalectomy. If this
            retroperitoneal adrenalectomy in porcine model is performing  complication cannot repair by laparoscopic proce-
            by made a 1 cm posterolateral colpotomy. The             dure, conversion to open surgery may be an option.
            retroperitoneal tunnel was created using carbon dioxide.  Postoperative Complication
            Dissection by movement of gastroscope up to superior pole
            of kidney to allowed access of adrenal gland. The vascular  1. Hypokalemia can occur in the immediate period after
            pedicle was identified and controlled by clips or endoloop.  adrenalectomy in patient with primary hypoaldo-
            NOTES transvaginal retroperitoneal may be option for  steronism. Potasium replacement is requiring if this
            humans in future. But further experiments and better  condition still persistent replacement of mineralocorticoid
            practice surgical skill are needed. 16,17             with fludrocortisone is essential.
                                                               2. Hypotension secondary to α blockade can occur after
            Bilateral Adrenalectomy                               adrenalectomy in case of pheochromocytoma. Close
                                                                  monitoring of blood pressure in postoperative period
            The most common indication for bilateral adrenalectomy is  still necessary.
            Cushing’s syndrome. This procedure was performed by  3. Complication after prolong steroid supplement after
            lateral transperitoneal approach. The larger tumor or the  adrenalectomy such as increased risk of fracture
            more difficult side should be performed first, then change  secondary to osteoporosis, hyperglycemia, and poor
            patient position to opposite side and redraped. 3,7   wound healing.
                Mikhail et al report comparison of outcome between   During learning period of laparoscopic adrenalectomy,
            laparoscopic bilateral adrenalectomy with open surgery. The  surgeon should select a case of unilateral, small adenomas
            results of laparoscopic procedure are—(1) Need more  without comorbid disease to avoid perioperative
            operative time (295.2  vs  236.8 minutes)  (2) Less  complication. 19
            intraoperative blood loss (100 vs 500 cc.) (3) Short hospital
            stay in laparoscopic surgery group (3 vs 8.5 days). 18  Postoperative Care

            Complication of Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy         After completion of operation nasogastric was removed.
                                                               Carefully monitoring of blood pressure, fluid-electrolyte
            Intraoperative complication
                                                               balance as mentioned in postoperative complication. Oral
            1. Hemorrhage: Adrenal vein are directly into IVC on the  intake can start on first operative day and take off urinary
               right side and directly to left renal vein on the left. If  catheter. Postopertive pain is control by parenteral narcotics
               avulsion injury occur during dissection of adrenal vein  in the first 24 hours. Then oral analgesic drug start after
               may be cause of massive hemorrhage. Prevention of  first operative day. If the patient was uneventfully, they
               this complication by meticulous dissection of adrenal  can discharge from hospital within 48 hours after surgery.
               vein.                                           Recovery time of patient is about 10 to 14 days after surgery.
            2. Adjacent organ injury
               – Liver: Liver laceration of liver retractor may be cause  Benefit Outcome Compare with Open Surgery
                  of bleeding. This condition can be managed by argon  In present, many of literature showing benefits outcome of
                  plasma coagulation and hemostasis agent (such as  laparoscopic adrenalectomy above conventional open
                  methyl cellulose).                           surgery, include decrease blood loss during surgery,
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