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             REVIEW ARTICLE                             Management of Spilled Stones during Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy

            Management of Spilled Stones during

            Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy

            Toma Florin
            Department of General Surgery, Bucharest Street, Budila Nr. 8, Romania

              Laparoscopic cholecystectomy has become the preferred method to treatment for patients with cholelithiasis. Perforation of the
              gallbladder during laparoscopic cholecystectomy with spillage of stones into abdominal cavity is not uncommon. Although, overall
              complication rate is less than in open technique, injury of biliary tree and perforation of gallbladder with spillage of stones are more frequent
              in laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
              The fate of spilled bile with gallstone is on a continuous debate. Recent reports have implicated dropped gallstones as a source of
              infrequent but severe complications of laparoscopic cholecystectomy. For this reason we have done this review regarding different
              possible outcomes, few suggestions to prevent these and their management.
              Keywords: Spilled gallstones, lost gallstones, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, spilt gallstone, gallstone retrieval.

            INTRODUCTION                                          Even though lost gallstones were initially considered to
                                                               be inoffensive, in the past years, with the shift from open
            Nowadays, laparoscopic cholecystectomy is considered to  cholecystectomy to LC, numerous reviews have reported a
            be the golden standard for the treatment of symptomatic  wide variety of complications.
            gallstone disease. Compared to open surgery, all studies  This review aims to categorize these complications
            show a lower rate of complications. Compared to open  through a systematic literature search in order to show the
            cholecystectomy, in LC, there are, however, two more  variety of complications and to evaluate the frequency and
            frequent problems: (1) Injury to the common bile duct and  management of spilled gallstones in LC.
            (2) Complications from spilled gallstones. The rate of
            common bile duct injuries in LC has declined over the last  MATERIALS AND METHODS
            15 years, due to the fact that laparoscopic surgeons have
            gained more experience; but, unfortunately, the incidence  The search was performed using the following search
                                                               engines: Google, Springer link and Medline. The search
            of spilled gallstones has remained unchanged.      strategy was performed with the below mentioned key
               During the open cholecystectomy, spillage from the
            gallbladder cannot migrate from the right upper quadrant,  words and combinations: “spilled gallstones”, “lost
                                                               gallstones”, “laparoscopic cholecystectomy”, “spilt
            as it is packed off routinely and Morrison’s pouch occluded  gallstone” and “gallstone retrieval”.
            with a laparotomy pad. In LC, stones can become       Out of 412 listed references, titles, abstracts, and full
            disseminated in abdominal cavity.                  text articles were monitored to accumulate a selection of
               The common bile duct injury and bile leakage can be  relevant studies. Afterwards, all reviews and case reports
            diagnosed soon after operation, but intraperitoneal gallstone  concerning lost gallstones in LC were screened for the
            spillage can manifest only months to years after the  reported complications.
            operation, and may have a confusing preservation, that leads  The main search criterion was the “management of spilled
            to further examinations.                           gallstones”, thus all studies that reported the incidence of
               During laparoscopy, bile spillage is still relatively benign;  lost peritoneal gallstones and/or perforated gallbladder were
            however, the loss of gallstones causes considerable  analyzed in this review for the intraoperative and
            morbidity.                                         postoperative actions.

            World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2010;3(2):103-107                              103
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