Page 36 - WJOLS - Laparoscopic Journal
P. 36

Thawatchai Tullavardhana

            costal margin and the iliac crest (Figs 3A and B). This  3. Left adrenal vein are located at inferomedial of adrenal
            position is most widely used because it permits proper bowel  gland in conjunction with left renal vein. Identification
            mobilization and makes exposure of the surgical area.  of left adrenal vein at this level then clipped and divided.
            Retroperitoneal space access: Open Hasson’s technique by  4. Continue mobilization thought lateral and inferior surfaces
            made 2 cm skin incision is at 2 cm below the inferior edge  of adrenal gland and carefully dissected away from the
            of the twelfth rib then split the muscles until the lumbodorsal  kidney. Then superior aspect and inferior phrenic vessels
            fascia was divided by blunt dissection then enter to  are controlled with ultrasonic laparoscopic coagulation
            retroperitoneal space. Retroperitoneal requires the creation  instrument or bipolar cautery.
            of a working space using a balloon dilatation (800 cc of air  5. Adrenal gland was extracted in a sterile plastic bag and
            inflated to balloon).                                 extracted from primary port. The trocars were removed
            Port site placement: After dilatation, 10 mm trocar was  and suture skin incision.
            inserted for 30 degree 10 mm laparoscope, then insufflations
            of carbon dioxide to generate pneumoretroperitoneum  Right Adrenalectomy
            pressure of 15 mm Hg. A second trocar is placed in the
            anterior axillary line midway between the costal margin and  1. Dissection of right adrenal gland is the same principle
            iliac crest. A third port is placed posteriorly between the  of left adrenal gland dissection. Psoas muscle is the
            twelfth rib and iliac crest along the lateral border of the  important key anatomical landmark.
            sacrospinalis muscle. A fourth port (5 mm) is inserted for  2. After identification of right kidney and right adrenal gland.
            retraction of the kidney and is placed cephalad to the first  Carefully dissection of IVC that is located at medial part
            port in the anterior axillary line. An optional fourth port is  of psoas muscle.
            placed in the anterior axillary line 5 to 7 cm inferior to the  3. Right adrenal vein was identified in conjunction of IVC
            third port and may be used for retraction during dissection  the clipped and divided. Avoiding of avulsion injury that
            of adrenal gland.                                     may be causing massive hemorrhage.
                                                               4.  After completion of adrenal gland dissection, specimen
            Operative Approach   3-5,7                            was extracted in a sterile plastic bag and extracted from
            Important key anatomical landmark of this surgical approach  primary port. The trocars were removed and suture skin
            is psoas muscle. The kidney and adrenal gland locate on  incision.
            lateral border.
                                                               Posterior Retroperitoneal Approach
            Left Adrenalectomy                                 This technique was initially reported in 1999 by Walz et al.
            1. Dissection along lateral border of psoas muscle to medial  The patient is placed on a lateral flank technique and creation
               border left kidney, then retract kidney upward and  of working space by balloon dilatation as described in lateral
               anteriorly.                                     retroperitoneal approach. A three- to four-port was used
            2. Carefully dissection of renal hilum to identified left renal  for camera and working instruments. Initial dissection was
               vein and medial border of adrenal gland.        performed at superior of adrenal gland continue thought

            A                                                   B
            Figs 3A and B: Patient position with port site placement for lateral retroperitoneal right adrenalectomy and important anatomical landmark 3
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