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Tissue Glue in Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia Repair: A Retrospective Comparative Analysis

          recurrence. The mean visual analogue scale (VAS)-rated  no recurrences have been observed. These statistics are in
          pain scores were 3.2 preoperatively, 2.3 immediately after  favor of fibrin glue mesh fixation, along with other studies,
          surgery and 1.8 at one month. Surgeons rated the product  which report postoperative complication rates of 4.6% for
          as very easy to use.                                hematomas, 2% for neuralgias, and 0.4% for chronic pain.
                                                              Reported persistent neuralgia with inguinal pain attributable
          DISCUSSIONS                                         to stapling vary in the literature from 0.5 to 14%.
          During the past few years, attention has focused on the  To date, the series reporting the lowest postoperative
          pain that may arise after groin hernia surgery. Chronic pain  chronic pain rates have not used any means of mesh. Tamme
          after hernia surgery is a complex and controversial problem  et al  observed 2.55 and 0% chronic pain problems
          that affects not only open but also laparoscopic procedures.  respectively, after TEP repair with a recurrence rate of less
          Three pain syndromes have been identified: Somatic,  than 0.6%. However, the largest of these two series did not
          neuropathic, and visceral pain. Besides nerve damage during  specify the length of follow-up and the other one was a rather
          dissection, thermal injury due to electrocautery, and  small series (n = 89). Although, two randomized studies with
          inflammatory and/or mechanical reaction to the mesh,  a short follow-up of nonfixed mesh in laparoscopic repairs
          stapling of the mesh is the most frequent evocated  (one in TEP and the other in TAPP) did show promising
          mechanism. According to various literature sources, there  results in terms of recurrence justification for routine
          is a great variation in the rate of postoperative chronic pain,  nonstapling of the mesh in TEP is not yet substantiated.
          ranging from 0.1 to 0.4% and 22.5% in laparoscopic repairs  Studies points to the fact that mesh stapling does play a
          for which staples are used to attach the mesh. Among the  key role in generating postoperative pain after laparoscopic
          explanations for such a wide discrepancy are the range of  hernia repair. Mesh fixation with fibrin glue is preferable as
          pain evaluation methods used, which include clinical  it meets the requirements for both efficiency and security
          examination of the patients, phone calls, and mailed  of fixation.
          questionnaires and tools to score the severity of the pain.  The recurrence rate in the fibrin glue was found to be
          For laparoscopic hernia repair, the possibility of nerve injury  slightly lower than in the tack staples group but did not
          (pain or parasthesia) caused by entrapment from incorrect  differ significantly, and the case of recurrence reported in
          placement of staples (above all lateral cutaneus femoral  the fibrin glue group is probably related to an inadequate
          nerve, but ilioinguinal, and genitofemoral are also at risk)  mesh size in a large direct hernia. Overall, the recurrence
          and epigastric vessels lesion by clips application may be  rate in the fibrin glue group remains within the range most
          avoided using fibrin glue either in the TAPP technique or in  report approve. Inadequate lateral fixation is the main cause
          the TEP. It seems that not only entrapment but also  of recurrence after both TAPP (36%) and TEP (22%). The
          postoperative fibrous scar around the staples can lead to  reason for this is that most of the nerves run laterally, where
          nerve injury. In conventional TAPP, the prosthesis is  no staples can be applied. Gluing a large mesh on the triangles
          anchored using metal clips. This is a critical step that requires  of disaster and pain is likely to stop the prosthesis from
          the utmost attention to avoid damaging the surrounding  lifting and dislocating, thereby avoiding inferomedial and
          nerves and blood vessels. Lesions arising due to such  inferolateral recurrence. It is not known if the enhanced
          intraoperative damage can lead to complications, including  inflammatory response induced by fibrin glue may explain
          hemorrhage, or painful neuralgia during follow-up. The  the slightly higher rate of seromas in the fibrin glue mesh
          nerves in the inguinal area that are most frequently involved  fixation. There exists no significant difference in the
          in postoperative pain following TAPP hernia repair include  development of postoperative hematomas, even though the
          the genitofemoral, lateral cutaneous femoral, and ilioinguinal  rate is slightly lower in fibrin glue mesh fixation, as
          and iliohypogastric nerves. Lesions of the lateral cutaneous  compared to the tack staplers but the data available are
          femoral nerve are the most frequent postoperative neurologic  inconclusive to give the credit to the effect of fibrin glue on
          complications associated with laparoscopy. Such lesions  local hemostasis. Although, no comparison is available
          are the result of damage or entrapment of the nerve during  between the tack staples group and the fibrin glue group in
          lateral fixation of the mesh to the deep inguinal ring with  terms of operation duration, the use of fibrin glue and its
          pain in the lateral region of thigh. TAPP hernia repair with  application device did not seem to change the mean operative
          Tisseel resulted in a low rate of postoperative pain and rapid  time, which is comparable to that of other series using
          resumption of normal activities. Postoperative complications  tackers. This can be attributed primarily to the peritoneum
          affected only 2.2% of the hernias and were readily treated  closure using a running laparoscopic suture and the
          without the need to extend the hospital stay. Importantly,  preparation of fibrin glue and its applicator during the hernia

          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2010;3(3):165-174                      173
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