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P. 51

Abhijit Mahanta, RK Mishra

          66 patients with fibrin glue mesh fixation in totally  fibroblastic ingrowth that is enhanced by the chemotactic
          extraperitoneal (TEP) laparoscopic procedure with an earlier  action of its thrombin component.
          series of 102 patients operated on according to the same  Hung Lau et al studied in his randomized prospective
          procedure in which mesh fixation used tack staples. For  study a total of 93 patients with 186 inguinal hernias, who
          the fibrin glue group, the operative time was 54 ± 23 minutes  underwent bilateral TEP and were randomized to have mesh
          and no difficulty was encountered during preparation or  fixation by either FS (n = 46) or mechanical stapling (n =
          application of the fibrin sealant. There were no reoperations  47). The FS group consumed significantly less analgesics
          or postoperative deaths. The postoperative course was  compared with that of staple group. There was no significant
          uneventful for 53 patients (80.3%). Eight patients (12%)  difference in postoperative pain score at rest and on coughing
          had a seroma, which did not require any dedicated treatment  from the day of operation to postoperative day 6 between
          in the majority of cases. Three patients (4.5%) had a  the groups.
          hematoma: One patient had to remain on calciparin at the  Stefano Olmi et al 1,10  in his randomized prospective study
          time of the operation, and two patients (3%) had a small  termed “Quantification of pain in laparoscopic trans-
          bowel obstruction. No fever or inflammation was reported  abdominal preperitoneal (TAPP)” involving 600 patients,
          after surgery. Overall, patients were discharged 1.5 ± 1.7  came to the conclusion that postoperative pain ranged from
          days after the operation. In the tack staple group  mild pain between 12 and 72 hours with Tisseel and it was
          complications occured in 26.4% of the patients. Ten patients  higher in other methods of mesh fixation: Moderate pain
          (9.8%) had a seroma and eight (7.8%) had a hematoma.  with EMS (Ethicon Endo surgery, Inc.) to severe pain with
          No major complications or deaths were reported. The length  Protak at 48 hours follow-up. Significant differences in
          of stay was a mean of 2.3 days (1.9 days, when the additional  length of stay occurred, no recurrence or conversion rates
          procedures were excluded). During the follow-up, three  were observed among groups, and morbidity was generally
          patients (2.9%) developed a recurrence at a mean of 16.3  lower with Tisseel. Patients using Tissseel also returned to
          months after surgery. It was observed that 15 patients  work sooner than as in other mesh fixing devices. Prostheses
          (14.7%) complained of pain in the groin area more than  were fixed with Protak (Tyco, Norwalk, Conn), Endoanchor
          three months after surgery. There were slightly more  (Ethicon Endosurgery, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio), EMS
          seromas but less hematomas in the fibrin glue group  (Ethicon Endosurgery, Inc.) and Tisseel (Baxter Healthcare,
          compared to the tack staples group, but this was not  Milan, Italy).
          statistically significant. However, the postoperative chronic  RH Fortelny and R Schwab et al  assessed the quality
          pain rate was significantly reduced in the fibrin glue group.  of life in a trial with mesh fixation with fibrin glue in TAPP.
             In an animal study in which TEP groin hernia repairs  TAPP with fibrin mesh sealing was performed in 11 non-
          were performed, Katkhouda et al demonstrated  that graft  selected consecutive patients. A direct control group (e.g.
          motion and tensile strength were similar in the staples and  TAPP with staples) was not considered as favorable change
          fibrin glue groups. In addition, histological examinations  in the quality of life in patients with fibrin glue mesh fixation
          revealed that the fibrin glue triggered a stronger fibrous  was the tested hypothesis and not the comparison of
          reaction and inflammatory response with more fibroblastic  techniques. Quality of life and pain were assessed
          mesh ingrowth. The procedures were performed laparos-  preoperatively and one year follow-up using the SF36 survey
          copically in 49 sites. Eighteen grafts were fixed with fibrin  and the visual analogue score (VAS). Post one-year analysis
          glue and 16 with staples; 15 were not fixed. There was no  of recurrences or complications was made. The analysis of
          significant difference in graft motion between the fibrin glue  the unmodifed SF-36 revealed a highly significant
          and stapled groups; there was no significant difference in  improvement. The scale ‘social functioning’ (SOCIAL),
          median tensile strength between the fibrin glue and stapled  which belongs to the mental-health-related scale, had also
          groups. Fibrin glue triggered a significantly stronger fibrous  significantly improved. The VAS significantly reduced after
          reaction and inflammatory response than in the stapled and  one year.
          control groups. No infection related to method of fixation  In an observational prospective multicenter study
          was observed in any group. The experiment did not involve  involving 1,201 patients performed in France B Descottes
          serial examinations at later dates because fibroblastic  et al  assessed Tisseel  fibrin glue for atraumatic mesh
          ingrowth has already fixed the mesh in position by  fixation in inguinal hernia repair. Out of 1,201 patients, 526
          postoperative day 12, after which further mesh migration  procedures were performed using open techniques and 675
          or folding is unlikely. It was found out that in addition to its  using laparoscopic repairs. Local complications occurred
          adhesive property, fibrin glue acts as scaffolding for  in 4.7% of patients: 3.0% hematoma, 1.4% seroma, 0.3%

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