Page 39 - World's Most Popular Laparoscopic Journal
P. 39

Bharathi Rajanna

          CURRENT METHODS                                     intramural part of fallopian tube under hysteroscope guidance
          Essure Micro-insert                                 (Fig. 2). It attracts macrophages, mononuclear cells, fibro-
                                                              blasts, foreign body giant cells, and plasma cells immediately
          It is the first transvaginal approach approved by FDA in  (Figs 3A to C). The inflammatory response peaks between
          2002 for intertubal sterilization technique (Fig. 1). The  2 and 3 weeks and lasts approximately 10 weeks. Induced
          Essure micro-insert is wound-down configuration in 4 cm  fibrous reaction blocks the tube, which is irreversible. Hence,
          long nickel-titanium(nitinol) alloy outer coil in which  alternative contraception is advisable for three months. It is
          the polyethylene terephthate (pet fibers) is inserted to  preferably advised in proliferative period or 6 weeks postnatal

                                                              or post-termination allows enhanced visualization of tubal
                                                              ostia and optimizes the success rate.
                                                                 It is recommended to women who have completed
          Fig. 1: Expanded essure device. The essure micro-insert expands to  their families and desire permanent sterilization. It is also
          a diameter of 1.5 to 2 mm depending on the diameter and shape of the  excellent choice for women with high risk of general
          surrounding fallopian tube
                                                              anesthesia, intraoperative complication, adhesions and
                                                              bleeding. Women with an intracavity lesion, congenital
                                                              anomaly, fibroids, infection, uterine synechiae, cervical
                                                              cancer, cervical stenosis and scarring of uterus or cervix
                                                              may not be eligible for essure as visualization of tubal ostia
                                                              is compromised. Pregnancy test is essential on the day of
                                                              surgery to exclude luteal phase of pregnancy if contra-
                                                              ception not practised.

                                                              Patient Counseling
                                                              Patient’s consent is taken which briefs the name of the
                                                              surgery, procedure, benefits, risks of both sterilization and
                                                              hysteroscopy, and alternative methods. The implications of
                                                              anesthesia are also discussed and supported with information
                                                              leaflet. Although the procedure is simple, nurse or assistant
                                                              can reiterate in lay terms the procedure on the day of surgery.
          Fig. 2: Diagram of the UTJ. The micro-insert should span the UTJ,  Patient is put to ease as much as possible. Patient is
          defined as the portion of fallopian tube just as it exits the uterus. In this
          location, the coils span the intramural and proximal isthmic portions of  instructed to empty her bladder.
          the fallopian tube. The device is placed far enough into the tube to
          prevent expulsion during uterine contractions during menses, but still  Procedure
          has a portion trailing into the uterine cavity. The outer diameter of the
          coils that trail into the uterus is larger than that of the coils in the  The procedure is performed under intravenous conscious
          fallopian tube, which helps anchor the device. The UTJ is most
          consistently the narrowest portion of the fallopian tube, which further  sedation (midazolam/fentanyl) or local paracervical block.
          aids in anchoring the device                        The uterovaginal plexes are predominantly located lateral

          Figs 3A to C: Histologic findings after essure placement. (A) At 1 week, fibrosis and acute inflammatory cells can be seen infiltrating the
          device.(B) Four weeks after placement, both acute and chronic inflammatory cells are present and fibrosis is beginning to occlude the lumen.
          (C) At 10 weeks, dense fibrosis is filling the tubal lumen

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