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Hydrosalpinx: Functional Surgery or Salpingectomy

          Microsurgical Tubocornual Anastomosis               scopy. The absence of radiolucent bands corresponded to
                                                              abnormal mucosa at salpingoscopy in four of six cases.
          Microsurgical tubocornual anastomosis is a procedure  The cobblestone pattern was found only in hydrosalpinges
          where the patent portion of the distal tube is joined to the
          uterine cavity under magnification. This procedure has been  and never in patent tubes. Six normal patent tubes at HSG
                                                              showed intraluminal adhesions at salpingoscopy.
          regarded as the standard treatment for proximal tubal
          occlusion.  However, some spontaneous intrauterine  Salpingectomy
          pregnancies have been seen in women with proximal tubal
          obstruction. This type of surgery is more effective for  Strandell et al  performed a randomized control trial that
          women with mild hydrosalpinges and should be considered  analyzed the effect of salpingectomy on birth rates and IVF
          especially in centers where appropriate expertise is available. 35  cycles. A total of 186 women underwent 452 IVF cycles.
             The aim of the review was to highlight the use of  Among these, 77 women had no surgical intervention and
          appropriate tubal function tests to help in making a choice  24 had salpingectomy after 1 or 2 failed IVF cycles.
          between either salpingectomy or functional tubal surgery  Salpingectomy group had a significantly increased birth rate
          as treatment for hydrosalpinges.                    (HR 2.1, 95% CI 1.6-3.6, P = 0.014) and higher implantation
             A literature search was performed using the search  rates (27.2% versus 20.2%, P = 0.03.31).
          engine Google, HighWire press, PubMed and SpringerLink.  A systematic review that included six studies, comparing
          Selected papers were taken for further references. All  pregnancy outcomes after laparoscopic surgery with that
          articles, including randomized controlled trial (RCT) were  of open or conventional microsurgical technique was done
          included for the review.                            by Ahmad et al.  In this review, there was no significant
                                                              difference observed in the intrauterine pregnancy rate
          RESULTS                                             between the two groups, combined OR (odds ratio) 1.32
                                                              (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.58-3.02). For patients with
                                                              mild tubal disease, there was no significant difference in
          Puttemans et al  utilized translaparoscopic salpingoscopy  the intrauterine pregnancy rate between treatment and control
          to evaluate the ampullary segment of the fallopian tube in  group, OR 1.06 (95% CI, 0.42-2.70). For patients with
          patients suffering from infertility. Their study compared  severe tubal disease, there was a significantly increased
          this technique with HSG in a series of 32 patients with  intrauterine pregnancy rate in the laparotomy group, OR
          hydrosalpinges and demonstrated the superiority of  0.34 (95% CI, 0.14-0.86). 15
          salpingoscopy in the evaluation of tubal mucosa. This  Sagoskin et al  reported on their retrospective
          diagnostic approach allows a more accurate selection of  observational study of 25 infertility patients with known
          patients for microsurgical repair. 7                unilateral hydrosalpinges and a patent contralateral fallopian
             Valentini et al  performed a prospective study to identify  tube. Eighteen of these women subsequently had
          radiographic signs of mucosal damage by comparing HSG  spontaneous pregnancies after laparoscopic salpingectomy
          with salpingoscopy. Forty-one candidates for laparoscopy  without IVF treatment. Pregnancies occurred in an average
          underwent HSG and preoperative salpingoscopy; at both,  of 5.6 months with a range of 1 to 21 months. There were
          tubal patency was noted. Radiographic criteria for mucosal  no ectopic pregnancies in the study population. 29
          abnormality were rounded filling defects (i.e. the cobblestone  Another study performed by Kontoravdis et al  that
          pattern) and the absence of longitudinal radiolucent bands  evaluated and compared the clinical impact salpingectomy,
          in the ampullary tract. At salpingoscopy, tubal mucosa was  when performed before IVF in patients with hydrosalpinges,
          categorized by means of inspection into five classes of fold  found that patients who underwent proximal tubal occlusion
          pattern: Classes I and II, normal; classes III-V, abnormal.  before IVF demonstrated significantly increased implantation,
          Seventy-four tubes were evaluated. At HSG, 31 tubes were  clinical pregnancy, and ongoing pregnancy rates compared
          distally non-patent. Of these, 26 showed a distal obstruction  to those with no surgical intervention and demonstrated
          at salpingoscopy. None of the patent tubes at HSG showed  implantation, clinical pregnancy, and ongoing pregnancy
          obstruction at salpingoscopy. The agreement between HSG  rates comparable to those who underwent salpingectomy. 28
          and salpingoscopy in detecting abnormal mucosal pattern  A Cochrane systematic review was performed by
          was 89.2% (κ, 0.73; P < 0.001). The cobblestone pattern  Johnson et al  to highlight evidence that laparoscopic
          always corresponded to intraluminal adhesions at salpingo-  salpingectomy for women with hydrosalpinges enhances

          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2010;3(3):145-150                      147
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