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Nomonde D Gumata

          the success of IVF. Three randomized controlled trials were  27% with diathermy; OR = 1.30; 95% CI 0.77 to 2.19). 15
          included in the review. The results showed that the odds of  A review of 10 case series in women who underwent
          pregnancy [odds ratio (OR) = 1.75, 95% confidence interval  neosalpingostomy for distal tubal occlusion (n = 1128)
          (CI) 1.07-2.86] and of ongoing pregnancy and live birth  reported a cumulative ectopic pregnancy rate per pregnancy
          (OR = 2.13, 95% CI 1.24-3.65) were increased with   of 23%. 6
          laparoscopic salpingectomy for hydrosalpinges prior to IVF.
          There were no significant differences in the odds of embryo  Microsurgical Tubocornual Anastomosis
          implantation (OR = 1.34, 95% CI 0.87-2.05), ectopic  A review of nine other case series studies reported that
          pregnancy (OR = 0.42, 95% CI 0.08-2.14), miscarriage  about 50% of women with proximal tubal blockage who
          (OR = 0.49, 95% CI 0.16-1.52) or treatment complications  had microsurgical tubocornual anastomosis achieved a term
          (OR = 5.80, 95% CI 0.35-96.79). 27                  pregnancy.  Case series and cohort studies have
             The latest Cochrane review, performed by Johnson  demonstrated high pregnancy rates in women who
          et al  on surgical treatment for tubal disease in women due  underwent this type of surgery.  A case series study
          to in vitro fertilization is also available. In this review, five  reported live birth rates of 27%, 47% and 53% within one,
          randomized controlled trials involving 646 women were  two and 3.5 years of surgery respectively. 41
          included. Four studies assessed salpingectomy versus no
          treatment. The odds of ongoing pregnancy (Peto OR 2.14,  DISCUSSION
          95% CI 1.23 to 3.73) and of clinical pregnancy (Peto OR
          2.31, 95%CI 1.48 to 3.62) however, were increased with  Data available in the literature strongly suggest that surgical
          laparoscopic salpingectomy for hydrosalpinges prior to  treatment of hydrosalpinges improves the pregnancy rate
          IVF. 25                                             in IVF.  However, surgery is not without risks and the
                                                              need to avoid the practice of indiscriminant salpingectomy
          Fimbrioplasty                                       in all women with hydrosalpinges who are undergoing IVF,
                                                              makes the ability to identify women at risk for suboptimal
          Donnez and Casanas Roux  studied the prognostic factors  IVF success increasingly important.  Hence, preoperative
          of fimbrial microsurgery. They operated upon 257 women  patient selection is an essential step in surgical treatment
          and found that after fimbrioplasty for occlusion of degree I  for hydrosalpinx. 11  Tubal patency test utilizing tubal
          the term pregnancy rate was > 50%.  On systematic review  endoscopy plays an important role in selection of hydro-
          of eight RCTs and 14 observational studies, found no  salpinges for different surgical treatments.  Valentini et
          difference in pregnancy rates between the different  al  in their study showed intraluminal disease in patent tubes
          techniques used such as CO  laser adhesiolysis versus  might not always be excluded on normal HSG.  Their study
          diathermy adhesiolysis (53% with laser versus 52% with  together with several other studies have shown that tubal
          diathermy; OR = 1.04; 95% CI 0.65 to 1.67).  The review  patency tests are not appropriate for assessing tubal
          of 14 observational studies did not detect a difference  function. 4-8  Hence, this emphasizes the importance of
          between laparoscopic adhesiolysis and microsurgical  utilization of tubal function tests. However, tubal function
          adhesiolysis in improving outcome.  Audebert et al  in a  tests are still unpopular and not performed routinely in many
          prospective study reported 51% clinical pregnancy rate and  countries.
          23% ectopic pregnancy rate in 35 patients with severe  The main advantages of laparoscopic surgery over micro-
          fimbrial occlusion treated by laparoscopic fimbrioplasty.
                                                              surgery in the treatment of hydrosalpinx are that the
                                                              laparotomy incision is avoided leading to less postoperative
          Salpingostomy or Neosalpingostomy
                                                              discomfort and pain, shorter hospitalization, and quicker
          Donnez and Casanas Roux  operated upon 257 women    resumption of normal activities. 11,36,37  However, the
          and found that after salpingostomy for degree II, III and IV  reproductive outcomes after laparoscopic surgery are similar
          fimbrial tube occlusion, the term pregnancy rate was > 50%,  to that of open microsurgery. 11
          25% and 22%, respectively. On systematic review of eight  Several studies have shown that laparoscopic
          RCTs and 14 observational studies evaluating various  salpingectomy improves IVF outcomes. 2-4,31  However, this
          surgical techniques for treating tubal infertility, found no  procedure is not ideal for every woman with hydrosalpinx. 11
          difference in pregnancy rates between laser salpingostomy  Laparoscopic salpingectomy should be performed only when
          versus diathermy salpingostomy (35% with laser versus  hydrosalpinges are beyond repair or in cases of IVF failure. 8

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