Page 31 - World's Most Popular Laparoscopic Journal
P. 31
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Gettman and colleagues reported in 2002 on the anchored guidance system, articulating laparoscopic
successful completion of six laparoscopic transvaginal instruments, and/or specialized trocars.
nephrectomies using conventional instrumentation in a Park and colleagues have recently developed a novel
porcine model. Clayman et al also performed single-port adjunct laparoscopic system consisting of a movable,
NOTES transvaginal nephrectomy using the purpose-built "lockable" platform that is positioned intra-abdominally and
multi-lumen operating platform. stabilized by an external permanent magnet on the abdominal
There were drawbacks in both the above procedures skin. MAGS can be used to actively control an intra-
in which the operative duration was longer than the abdominal camera and working instruments through a single
conventional laparoscopy. trocar.
Zeltser et al have subsequently described the first
successful completion of two porcine nephrectomies via a
GUIDANCE SYSTEM (MAGS) single 15 mm transumbilical trocar using a prototype MAGS
camera and a magnetically anchored robotic arm cauterizer.
An alternative to conventional laparoscopy and NOTES is Prior to widespread adoption of the MAGS platform,
single access or keyhole surgery utilizing a magnetically both clinical and engineering limitations must be addressed.