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Nomonde D Gumata

          endometrium and/or the developing embryo.  The toxic  prior to the IVF procedure in women with hydrosalpinges
          substances contained in hydrosalpinx fluid drain into the  has been shown to improve the likelihood of successful
          uterine cavity and dilute the endometrial secretion, and thus  outcome. 23-26  These procedures can be performed via
          generate an unfavorable uterine milieu. 18-20  Mukherjee et  laparoscopy as well as laparotomy since, both routes are
          al  showed that the hydrosalpinx fluid enters into the uterine  equally effective although laparoscopy is the preferred
          cavity.  Sonography done during the luteal phase in patients  route. 15,27
          with hydrosalpinx showed uterine cavity fluid distension
          and none of these patients obtained an ongoing intrauterine  SALPINGECTOMY
          pregnancy after IVF treatment. 22                   Laparoscopic salpingectomy prior to IVF is usually
                                                              performed in women who have unilateral hydrosalpinx with
          DIAGNOSIS OF HYDROSALPINX USING                     normal contralateral tube as well as those with bilateral
          IMAGING TECHNIQUES                                  hydrosalpinges, and results in significant improvement in
                                                              pregnancy and implantation after surgery.  Evidence
          Hydrosalpinx can be diagnosed using various imaging
          techniques.  Most of these investigations can only assess  suggests that laparoscopic salpingectomy should be
          the tubal patency with few assessing the tubal function  performed only when hydrosalpinges are beyond repair or
          (functional status of tubal mucosa). 2,3            in cases of IVF failure.   Thin-walled hydrosalpinges with
             Tubal patency tests, such as HSG, hysterosalpingo-  mucosal adhesions and thick-walled hydrosalpinges with
          contrast ultrasonography (HyCoSy), TVUS and laparoscopy  absent mucosal folds diagnosed using salpingoscopy are
                                                              indications for salpingectomy.
          are not good at assessing tubal function. 2,3
             Tubal function tests, such as falloscopy, salpingoscopy  FUNCTIONAL OR RECONSTRUCTIVE
          and fertiloscopy are the main tests that should be utilized to  TUBAL SURGERY
          assess the functional status of the tubal mucosa. These
          tests are new interventions utilizing tubal endoscopy. 4,5  Functional or reconstructive tubal surgery remains
          Salpingoscopy can be used to classify hydrosalpinx into  another important tubal surgical treatment, complement to
          four types (Table 1).                               assisted reproductive techniques (ARTs). 33,34  This surgery
                                                              should be considered as first-line treatment when the
                Table 1: Classification of hydrosalpinges based on
                             salpingoscopy 2,6                correction of infertility pathology is achievable and
                                                              good results are expected.  It should be preferred to
           •  Thin-walled hydrosalpinx with a healthy mucosa
           •  Thin-walled hydrosalpinx with flattened mucosal folds without  salpingectomy in mild forms of hydrosalpinges, especially
             mucosal adhesions (hydrosalpinx simplex)         those with preserved tubal mucosa without adhesions
           •  Thin-walled with mucosal adhesions (hydrosalpinx follicularis)  (diagnosed using salpingoscopy) as these hydrosalpinges
           •  Thick-walled hydrosalpinx with absent mucosal folds.
                                                              are amenable to surgical repair and have good prognosis. 8
             Thin-walled hydrosalpinx and a healthy mucosa have
          good results postsurgery. 8                         Fimbrioplasty
             Tubal function tests play an important role in choosing  Fimbrioplasty is the incision of any fibrous or scar tissue
          patients suitable for tubal surgery (functional tubal surgery  covering the terminal end of the tube, thus freeing the
          or salpingectomy). 2                                agglutinated fimbriae and lysis of peritubal adhesions. 34
                                                              Fimbrioplasty is, thus, indicated in patients with fimbrial
          HYDROSALPINX TUBAL SURGERY                          occlusion usually with concurrent periadnexal adhesions. 35,36

          Although IVF is the main treatment for tubal factor infertility
          related to hydrosalpinx, surgical treatment plays a crucial  Salpingostomy or Neosalpingostomy
          role prior to IVF, and scientific evidence has shown it to  Salpingostomy is the procedure whereby a stoma is fashioned
          improve pregnancy outcomes by removing the toxic effects  in the distal fallopian tube using scissors, electrosurgery or
          of hydrosalpinx that impair IVF outcomes.  The      laser.  The procedure can be performed using laparoscopy
          performance of surgical interventions, such as salpingectomy  or laparotomy with microsurgical technique. 36,37  When the
          and functional or reconstruction surgery (fimbrioplasty,  procedure is performed for mild hydrosalpinges, it is
          salpingostomy and microsurgical tubocornual anastomosis),  associated with better pregnancy rates. 34

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