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           REVIEW ARTICLE                         Comparison of Advantages and Disadvantages between SILS and NOTES
           Comparison of Advantages and Disadvantages

                                  between SILS and NOTES

                                                 Sarat Chandra Jayasingh
                  Assistant Surgeon, Department of Surgical Gastroenterology, SCB Medical College, Cuttack, Orissa, India


            Minimal access surgery is the gold standard for several abdominopelvic procedures in the present era. The prime advantage with
            minimal access surgery is the minimal surgical trauma in comparison to the conventional surgery. The other advantages of laparoscopy
            like less operative time, less pain, early recovery and return to work and above all better cosmetics have been well proven.“Change is
            constant in life,” SILS and NOTES are the two newly emerging novel techniques in laparoscopy. SILS is a new advancement in
            laparoscopy, where the whole surgery is conducted through a single umbilical incision whereas NOTES is totally incisionless. In real
            sense, the incision in NOTES is not externally visible because of the natural orifices like oral cavity, vagina, urethra and anus that are
            used as entry sites. SILS have the advantages of better cosmetics, less blood loss, faster recovery, less complications, early return to
            work, versatility, better patient acceptance and easy tissue retrieval, etc. The critics are high cost, need of high expertise and more
            chances of port site hernia and infection. Similarly, NOTES has its edges over traditional laparoscopy surgery with the advantages of
            highest cosmetic value (no visible scar), less pain, requirement of less immunosuppressant and less anesthesia, faster recovery, and
            no external wound complications (hernia, hematoma and abscess). But it has also its own critics like questionable safety, unproven data
            about complications, requirement of high expertise, low patient acceptance, requirement of advanced endoscopic instruments, difficulty
            in closing internal wounds, intraperitoneal infection, gastrointestinal fistula and high cost. Poor acceptance is a major concern for
            Aims: To explore the positive and negative aspects of above two procedures in order to find out the better option.
            Keywords: SILS-single incision laparoscopic surgery, Natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES).

          SINGLE INCISION LAPAROSCOPIC                        c. ASC R-port, Ireland
          SURGERY (SILS)                                      d. Unix-X from Pnavel concepts.
          SILS is an innovative advancement in the field of minimal  Hand Instruments (Fig. 3)
          access surgery in which the surgeon operates exclusively
          through a single entry point, typically the umbilicus. It was  a. Standard conventional laparoscopic hand instruments
          performed in 2005 for acute appendicitis in department of  b. Articulating hand instruments:
          pediatric surgery in Turkey. Since then, it has been   i. Cambridge endomanufactures autonomy laparoangle
          appreciated and accepted all over the world and every     articulating instruments.
          laparoscopic surgeon today feels incomplete without a  ii. Novare surgical manufactures real hand instruments
          proper knowledge and understanding of SILS. There are     with angle locking.
          different names for SILS like SPA—single port access,  A wide range of operations are now possible by SILS
          LESS—laparoendoscopic single site surgery, OPUS—one  like appendicectomy, cholecystectomy (Figs 4A to C),
          port umbilical surgery, SPICES—single port incision less  nephrectomy, hysterectomy, esophagoectomy, adrenalec-
          conventional equipment using surgery, NOTUS—natural  tomy, gastric bypass, fundoplication, hernia repair,
          orifice transumbilical surgery, E-NOTES—embryonic   splenectomy, colectomy, hepatic resection, cryoablation,
          natural orifice transumbilical surgery. SILS can be  tubal ligation, etc.
          performed by many methods like:
          i. With multiple facial punctures through single skin  Advantages of SILS
             incision.                                        a. Better cosmetics
          ii. By using additional transabdominal sutures for  b. Less blood loss
             stabilization of target organ.                   c. Faster recovery
          iii. By using novel port access devices.
                                                              d. Less complications
                                                              e. Early return to work
          Access Ports (Figs 1 and 2)
                                                              f. Versatility
          a. SILS port from Covedien                          g. Better patient acceptance
          b. GelPort system from applied medical              h. Easy tissue retrieval.

          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2011;4(1):67-72                              67
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