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                                                  Comparison of Advantages and Disadvantages between SILS and NOTES
                         Table 1: Published reports of NOTES and SILS cholecystectomies through the years 1997–2009

           Authors      Approach to  Number   Number  Number of  Diagnosis  Success  Complication(s)   Average
                        perinoteal cavity  of skin  of skin  attempted       rate (%)  Reasons for     operating
                                     incision(s)  trocar(s)  cases                   conversion to        time
                                                                                     standard LC       (minutes)
           NOTES cholecystectomy
           Bessler et al 21  Transabdominal,  1  3      1      Cholelithiasis  100    None               210
           Marescaux et al 8  Transabdominal,  1  1     1      Cholelithiasis  100    None               180
           Zornig et al  Transabdominal,  1    1       14      Cholelithiasis  100    None                62
                                                        3      Acute cholecystitis  100  None
                                                        3      Chronic cholecystitis  67  Hepatic injury
           Forgione et al  Transabdominal,  1  1        3      Cholelithiasis  100    None               136
           SILS cholecystectomy
           Tacchino et al 5  Transabdominal  1  3      10      Cholelithiasis   83    None             55 ± 7
                                                        2      Cholecystitis          Subcutaneous
                                                                                      –  hematomas (I)
                                                                                      – Hepatic injury (I)
           Cuesta et al  Transabdominal  1     2       10      Cholelithiasis  100    None                70
           Rao et al    Transabdominal  1      1       18      Cholelithiasis   94    Difficult dissection  40
                                                        2      Choledocholithiasis  0  Choledochoscope for
                                                                                       CBD exploration 2
           Merchant et al 16  Transabdominal  1  1     19      Cholelithiasis  100    None              45-90
                                                        2      Acute cholecystitis  50  Difficult dissection
           Zhu et al    Transabdominal  2      2       22      Cholelithiasis  100    None             30-150
                                                        4      Gallbladder polyps  100  None
           Romanelli et al  Transabdominal  1  1        1      Cholelithiasis (history  100  None         68
                                                               of pancreatitis)
           Gumbs et al  Transabdominal  1      3        2      NR              100    None               < 60
           Palanivelu et al  Transabdominal  2  2      10      Cholelithiasis   60    Hemorrhage from    148
                                                                                      – Cystic artery 2
                                                                                      –  Difficult dissection 2
                                                                                      –  Bile leak 1
           Navarra et al 10  Transabdominal  1  2      30      NR              100    None               123
           Piskun et al  Transabdominal  1     2        7      Cholelithiasis  100    None                NR
                                                        3      Acute cholecystitis  100  None

          by SILS because of a common entry point. At time of  NOTES, explaining the safety and complication rate of
          difficulty, it is easier to convert SILS to conventional  the procedure is difficult. There is no clear data available
          laparoscopy without changing the patient’s position. Short  till now regarding its after-effects on sexual life and
          operating time, early recovery, early return to work, less  infertility due to transvaginal surgery. The second negative
          blood loss, and better tissue retrieval are the positive aspects  aspect is the high cost of sophisticated instruments. The
          of SILS. The overall patient acceptance is better compared  third obstacle is the necessity of a highly skilled
          to NOTES and conventional laparoscopic surgery. A few  multidisciplinary team. Conventional laparoscopy can be
          drawbacks of SILS include high cost of access port and  conducted with the help of inexperienced assistants (interns
          hand instruments, slightly extraoperative time, and highly  or nurses), whereas for NOTES a whole team of
          skilled and experienced surgical team to overcome the  experienced surgeons and gynecologist is required. The
          technical difficulties. But as the learning curve gets over, all  fourth limiting factor is operation time. Conducting NOTES
          the negative factors except the cost are likely to be  leads to consumption of more human hour in term of
          compensated.                                        person and time. The fifth drawback is that it is not so
             The attractive part of NOTES is that it is totally incision  easy like SILS for conversion to traditional laparoscopy.
          less, for which its acceptance in young and educated  The sixth drawback is the lack of sterilization and secure
          patients is relatively higher than the older people. Today,  closure of internal incision in stomach or colon. A gastro-
          NOTES can be used for both abdominal and mediastinal  intestinal leak is the most unwanted catastrophic outcome
          surgery. Elderly people with previous history of upper GI  of NOTES. The seventh drawback is learning curve and
          endoscopy or colonoscopy dislike NOTES because of their  till now no clear data is available regarding its safety and
          previous painful experience. Young females hesitate to  complications. As per review of all the above literature, it
          accept surgical procedure through vaginal canal. Even in  is presumed that disadvantages of NOTES outweigh the
          the educated mass with relatively high acceptance for  no-incision benefit.

          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2011;4(1):67-72                              71
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