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                                                       Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy (MIE): Techniques and Outcomes
          STEPS OF THREE-STAGE ESOPHAGECTOMY                  esophagus is lifted and cut. The cut is extended upward to
                                                              the root of the neck. The vagus nerve is identified, and the
          Stage 1: Thoracoscopic Esophageal
          Mobilization                                        vagal fibers going to the bronchus are preserved.
                                                                 The dissection is started posteriorly between the
          General anesthesia with single lung ventilation is used. The  esophagus and vertebrae. All the fibro fatty tissues together
          patient is placed in the left lateral decubitus position. Four  with the nodes are pushed with esophagus. The azygous
          ports are placed in diamond formation (Fig. 1).     vein is preserved or when required for better visualization
             Pneumoinsufflation is performed under a low pressure  or clearance, the vein can be clipped and cut. When the
          of 7 mm Hg. A diagnostic thoracoscopy is usually performed  azygous vein is preserved, the pleura over the vein is cut,
          to inspect the pleural cavity and the surface of lung for any  and a plane is created posterior to the vein and anterior to
          suspicious metastatic lesion. The right lung is retracted  the esophagus. Retroazygous dissection is facilitated by
          upward and medially to expose the thoracic esophagus.  retraction of the azygous vein. The esophagus is dissected
             The procedure is begun by incising the visceral pleura  all around the circumference in the supra-azygous region,
          between the esophagus and infra-azygos part of the aorta  and these planes are joined with those in the infra-azygous
          with either a bipolar forceps or a harmonic ultrasonic scalpel.  region, thus completely freeing the esophagus. This is
          The medial end of the pleura is held by the left hand lifting  confirmed by pulling the esophagus craniocaudally
          the esophagus. Thus, the posterior vagus is exposed. The  (shoeshine effect).The left recurrent nerve is identified in
          plane of dissection is lateral to the vagus and not between  the tracheoesophageal groove. The nodes along this nerve
          the vagus and esophagus. The direct aortic branches are  are removed.
          clipped and cut. The esophagus then is lifted from the arch  The esophageal dissection is carried cranially upto the
          of the aorta, which is seen at the level immediately below  root of the neck. An intercostal drainage tube is inserted
          the azygos vein. The left main bronchus is exposed, and  through the working 10 mm port. The lung is inflated, and
          the left hilar nodes are dissected. The esophagus is  the camera port was removed under vision.
          completely separated posteriorly by a combination of sharp
          and blunt dissection. The caudal limit of posterior dissection  Stage 2: Laparoscopic Gastric Mobilization
          is the hiatus.
             The thoracic duct is seen crossing the descending  The patient is placed in a modified Lloyd-Davis
          aorta, which is clipped. The anterior pleural cut was made  15 to 20 degrees head-up position. The surgeon stands
          after the esophagus is pulled laterally and the cut is  between the legs of the patient, with the cameraman and
          extended cranially and caudally, remaining parallel to the  one assistant on left, and with the second assistant and
          esophagus. The plane of dissection is between the anterior  scrub nurse on the right. Five ports are used (Fig. 2).
          vagus and  pericardium. The carinal and right hilar nodes  Stomach mobilization is begun by opening the gastrocolic
          are removed. The dissection is carried caudally between  ligament and entering the lesser sac. The greater omentum
          the pericardium and esophagus, stripping the pericardium  is divided. The stomach is lifted from the pancreas by cutting
          of all fibro fatty tissues and nodes. The caudal end point  the congenital bands. The fundus and entire stomach is
          is the hiatus and this completes the infra-azygous  pushed to the right side by the assistant rolling the fundus
          dissection.                                         toward the right, and the gastrosplenic ligament is cut while
             The supra-azygous area is exposed by the assistant  the short gastric vessels are coagulated and cut. The hepatic
          pulling down the apex of the lung. The pleura over the  flexure and transverse colon reflection are cut, and the colon

                           Fig. 1: Port position                           Fig. 2: Alternative port position

          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2011;4(1):53-58                              55
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