Page 54 - WJOLS - Laparoscopic Journal
P. 54

Sarat Chandra Jayasingh

                                   Fig. 1: Different type of ports for single incision laparoscopic surgery
                                                              transcolonic route, a combined transgastric and transvaginal
                                                              approach for cholecystectomy has been performed in
                                                              Portugal. NOTES was originally described in animals by
                                                              Dr Anthoni Klloo from John Hopkin university. It was used
                                                              for appendectomy in humans in India by Rao and Reddy
                                                              and for cholecystectomy by Swanstorm in 2007. There are
                                                              different ways to perform the operation like:
                                                              1. A single access multiport device with curved instru-
                                                              2. Flexible operating endoscope with endoscopic tools.
                                                              3. Hybrid laparoscopy: Access with flexible endoscopic
                                                                 instruments with simultaneous abdominal access.
                                                              4. Combined multiple natural orifice access (transgastric
                                                                 + transvaginal).
                                                                 The major advantage of NOTES is the highest cosmetic
                                                              value because there is no externally visible scar after this
                                                              procedure. There is less requirement of anesthesia and
                             Fig. 2: Triport
                                                              immunosuppressant besides less postoperative pain, faster
          Disadvantages                                       recovery, early return to work and no abdominal wound
                                                              complications like seroma, hematoma and abscess.
          a. High cost (both trocars and hand instruments)
          b. Need of high expertise                           Similarly, NOTES is not free from its own critics. For
          c. More chances of port site hernia and infection   performing NOTES, highly sophisticated and expensive
          d. Longer operative time                            endoscopic as well as hand instruments (Fig. 7), a team
          e. Technically difficult                            of highly skilled and experienced surgeon and gynecologist
          f. Mandatory port closure.                          are required. Another negative aspect is the unclear data
                                                              regarding its safety, clinical outcome and postoperative
          NOTES                                               complications.

          Like SILS, NOTES is also a recent innovative advancement  REVIEW OF SILS AND NOTES
          in laparoscopic surgery in which incisionless laparoscopic
          procedure is possible with an endoscope equipped with hand  There exists a number of techniques for performing SILS
          instruments passed through a natural orifice (oral cavity,  and NOTES. These can be adopted for different intra-
          urethra, vagina and anus) than through an internal incision  abdominal and pelvic operations like appendectomy, 2,4-6
          in the stomach, vagina (Fig. 5), urinary bladder or colon.  gastrostomy, gastrectomy, 9,10  adrenalectomy,  colorectal
          Besides the isolated transgastric (Fig. 6), transvaginal,  procedures, 12-15  bariatric procedures  and urological
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