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                                                       Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy (MIE): Techniques and Outcomes

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          Learning curve is high in MIE. Results of various studies  12. Orringer MB, Marshall B, Iannettoni MD. Eliminating the cervical
                                                                  esophagogastric anastomotic leak with a side-to-side stapled
          show that as the number of cases done are increasing, the  anastomosis. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2000;119:277-88.
          complications are decreasing. 9,10,14-42  Regarding the survival  13. Lerut T, Coosemans W, De Leyn P, et al. Reflections on three
          rate, it has been shown that earlier the stage better the  field lymphadenectomy in carcinoma of the esophagus and
          survival. The 5-year survival reported by various studies  gastroesophageal junction. Hepatogastroenterology 1999;46:
          were for stage I—83%, stage II—42% and stage III—   14. Collard JM, Lengele B, Otte JB, Kestens PJ. En bloc and standard
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          CONCLUSION                                          15. Martin DJ, Bessell JR, Chew A, Watson DI. Thoracoscopic and
                                                                  laparoscopic esophagectomy: Initial experience and outcomes.
          MIE has been gaining attractiveness since the first report  Surg Endosc 2005;19:1597-1601.
          nearly two decades ago. Like open surgery, several  16. Suzuki Y, Urashima M, Ishibashi Y, et al. Hand-assisted
          techniques exist including totally laparoscopic transhiatal  laparoscopic and thoracoscopic surgery (HALTS) in radical
          or transthoracic resections as well as combination, or hybrid  esophagectomy with three-field lymphadenectomy for thoracic
                                                                  esophageal cancer. Eur J Surg Oncol 2005;31:1166-74.
          techniques. Much as with open esophageal surgery, no  17. Palanivelu C, Prakash A, Senthilkumar R, et al. Minimally
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          any particular MIE adaptation. By reducing perioperative  esophagus and mediastinal lymphadenectomy in prone
          morbidity and recovery time, and by maintaining the     position—experience of 130 patients. J Am Coll Surg 2006;203:
          oncological principles, MIE is a safe alternative for open  18. Buess G, Kaiser J, Manncke K, et al. Endoscopic microsurgical
          procedures under experienced hands. Initial outcomes of  dissection of the esophagus (EMDE). Int Surg 1997;82:109-12.
          the minimally invasive approach appear to be atleast  19. Bonavina L, Incarbone R, Bona D, Peracchia A. Esophagectomy
          equivalent, and the promise of potential benefits a tangible  via laparoscopy and transmediastinal endodissection.
          possibility.                                            J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A 2004;14:13-16.
                                                              20. Galvani CA, Gorodner MV, Moser F, et al. Robotically assisted
                                                                  laparoscopic transhiatal esophagectomy. Surg Endosc
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