Page 45 - Journal of WALS
P. 45

Ravikumar S

          to 10 days after surgery. Those patients with an active ulcer  Without proper detail to all these parameters, it is difficult
          need regular further dressings till the ulcer heals. Class II  to draw a conclusion. One should always think that SEPS and
          graduated compressive stockings are prescribed to all patients  open conventional procedure as being complementary to each
          in a long-term basis.                               other.
                                                                 A successful outcome requires greater skill of the operating
          DISCUSSION                                          surgeon adequate training in the field of minimal access surgery.
                                                              SEPS requires different skills and technological knowledge. In
          SEPS has gained a lot of attention around the world. A lot of  fact many studies have shown that the outcome of SEPS was
          controlled trails have been conducted; many are in favor of  influenced by experience and technique of the operator.
          SEPS. The goal of this review was to ascertain that if the SEPS  In a study done by Anjay Kumar , 21 patients of varicose
          procedure for perforator incompetence is superior to convention  veins with an incompetent perforator underwent SEPS using a
          open (Lintons) surgical procedure, and if so what are the benefits  harmonic scalpel. Various parameters were studied. The result
          and how it could be more widely instituted. There is lot of  of their study was that, all ulcers healed in 8 weeks with no
          diversity in randomized controlled trails. The main variables in  recurrence in 11.9 months follow-up period. There was one case
          these trails are:                                   of wound infection and one saphenous nerve neuropraxia as
          •  Number of patients in trail                      complications noted postoperatively. They concluded that
          •  Withdrawal of cases                              using ultrasonic scalpel in SEPS is technically feasible, causing
          •  Blinding                                         less tissue damage as the thermal effect it generates is very low,
          •  Intention to treat analysis                      and also the study was associated with minimal morbidity.
          •  Publication biases                                  In another study by T Luebke and J Brunkwall , a meta-
          •  Local practice variations                        analysis of subfascial endoscopic perforator vein surgery (SEPS)
          •  Prophylaxis antibiotic used                      for the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency was done.
          •  Follow-up failure.                               Here, a multiple health database search was performed,
                                                              including Medline, Embase, Ovid, Cochrane Database of
                                                              Systematic Reviews and Cochrane Database of Abstracts of
                                                              Reviews of Effectiveness, on all studies published between
                                                              1985 and 2008, that reported on health outcomes in patients
                                                              with CVI treated with SEPS and comparing this therapy with the
                                                              conventional Linton procedure. Three studies, which compared
                                                              SEPS with conventional surgery, were included in the meta-
                                                              analysis. Results of the study was that between SEPS and Linton
                                                              groups, there was a significant lower rate of wound infections
                                                              in the SEPS group [odds ratio (OR) 0.06 (95% confidence interval
                                                              (CI) 0.02 to 0.25)] and a significantly reduced hospital stay for
                                                              SEPS [OR: 8.96 (95% CI: 11.62 to – 6.30)]. In addition, there was
                                                              a significant reduced rate of recurrent ulcers in SEPS group
                                                              (mean follow-up 21 months) [OR 0.15 (95% CI 0.04-0.62)]. There
            Fig. 6C: Perforator vein seen after creation of subfascial space  was no significant difference between the groups in the

                        Fig. 6D: Clipping of perforator                   Fig. 6E: After clipping of perforator

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