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           REVIEW ARTICLE                                Subfascial Endoscopic Perforator Surgery in Perforator Vein Insufficiency
              Subfascial Endoscopic Perforator Surgery in

                               Perforator Vein Insufficiency

                                                      Ravikumar S
             Consultant Laparoscopic Surgeon, Assistant Professor, Department of General and Laparoscopic Surgery, SS Institute of Medical
                                      Sciences and Research Center, Davangere, Karnataka, India

            Surgical treatment of incompetent perforating veins of the lower leg performed by open method carries considerable morbidity and also
            associated with poor wound healing. Subfascial endoscopic perforator surgery (SEPS) is a new, minimally invasive endoscopic
            technique performed in patients with advanced chronic venous insufficiency. This technique offers an effective treatment alternative
            which avoids the lengthy incisions of the classical open Linton subfascial ligation techniques. The favorable ulcer healing rate and
            improvement in clinical symptoms suggest that SEPS is a feasible, safe and effective treatment of the incompetent perforator veins in
            patients with advanced chronic venous insufficiency.
            Keywords:  Subfascial endoscopic perforator surgery (SEPS), Minimal access surgery, Incompetent perforator, Chronic venous

          INTRODUCTION                                        MATERIALS AND METHODS
          Patients with chronic venous insufficiency and venous ulcers  A literature review was performed using SpringerLink, HighWire
          were surgically corrected using long incisions through diseased  press, BMJ, Journal of MAS and major search engines, like
          skin and subcutaneous tissues already compromised by venous  Google, MSN, Yahoo, etc. The search term was the role of SEPS
          hypertension. This procedure involved ligation of incompetent  in perforator vein insufficiency. Citations found in selected
          perforator veins described by Linton,  Cockett  and Dodd, 4  papers were screened for further references. Criteria for selection
          this technique was often complicated by wound infections and  of literature were the number of cases (excluded if less than 20),
          poor healing.                                       method of analysis (statistical or nonstatistical), operative
             But in 1985, G Hauer  demonstrated a new surgical  procedure (only university accepted procedures were selected)
          technique where incompetent perforator veins were directly  and the institution where the study was done (specialized
          visualized  using an endoscope in the subfascial space. This  institutions for endoscopic procedure was given more
          seminal contribution marked the advent of subfascial  preference).
          endoscopic perforator vein surgery (SEPS). The idea to use
          this approach was based on the possibility to create, using  EQUIPMENT FOR SEPS
          the laparoscopic instruments, a virtual space and seemed to  Most of the instruments used in this procedure are usually
          be very interesting since it offered the possibility to avoid  used for laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
          further damaging to the scarred tissues surrounding the ulcer
          and thus to eliminate the wound complications that affected  Instrumentation Includes
          Linton’s technique.                                 •  Insufflator for introducing carbon dioxide to maintain the
              In comparative studies, SEPS was associated with fewer  working space
          wound complications compared with Linton’s procedure. 6,7
                                                              •  A rigid 5 or 10 mm endoscope
                                                              •  A three-chip video camera preferably with xenon light source
                                                              •  A TV monitor (Fig. 1)
          The aim of the study was to study the role of subfascial  •  A 10 mm cannula, rigid endoscope is introduced into the
          endoscopic perforator surgery (SEPS) in perforator vein  subfascial working space
          insufficiency. The following parameters were evaluated:  •  5 mm cannula is used for all other equipments.
          •  Operative technique                                 Other additional instruments important for the successful
          •  Operative time                                   performance of the operation are: A balloon dissector (General
          •  Intraoperative and postoperative complications   Surgical Innovations, Cupertino, CA, USA). Although
          •  Postoperative pain                               dissection of the subfascial plane can be created via endoscopic
          •  Postoperative recovery                           instruments manually, the balloon dissector significantly
          •  Patient acceptance.                              expedites the dissection process and helps to create a large,

          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2011;4(2):117-122                               117
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