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                                                                Role and Advantages of Laparoscopic Surgery in Liver Cirrhosis

          surgery is definitely not safe in patients with cirrhosis as it is  The major risk in cirrhotic is transmission of hepatitis B
          associated with a high rate of morbidity and mortality due to  and/or C virus in cirrhotic from the patient to the operating
          associated malnutrition, coagulopathies and ascites. But a  team. Hence, a safe disposal of sharps and gentle and meticulous
          review of articles proved that laparoscopy is safer than open  transfers of instruments are key to the safety.
          surgery in mild to moderate cases of cirrhosis.        As said earlier, patience during operation makes it safe and
             This study reviewed:                             meticulous hemostasis will prevent the unavoidable blood loss
          •  The risk of laparoscopy and laparoscopic surgery in  in patients with cirrhosis.
             cirrhotic patients,                                 An open technique (Hassan’s trocar) for access to prevent
          •  Previous role and current trends in the use of laparoscopy  inadvertent puncture of an umbilical varix or placement of trocar
             in the diagnosis of liver cirrhosis, and         away from umbilicus in whom the umbilical varices are evident,
          •  Safety and efficacy of laparoscopy in the treatment of various  is another precaution that can be taken. 11
             surgical conditions in cirrhotic patients.          Modification of surgery in the form of subtotal
                                                              cholecystectomy, use of ultrasonic energy like harmonic scalpel,
          SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS IN CIRRHOTIC                  glue, oxidized cellulose are other means to prevent more
          PATIENTS UNDERGOING LAPAROSCOPIC                    bleeding. 11
          Factor 1: The Surgeon                               ROLE OF LAPAROSCOPY IN DIAGNOSIS OF
                                                              LIVER CIRRHOSIS
          A tremendous amount of patience is necessary during the
          procedure because conversion does not help to control the  Historically, histopathology of the biopsied liver specimen has
          coagulopathy which is the main danger in cirrhosis (Schiff et al  been the gold standard of the diagnosis of cirrhosis of liver.
          2005).  During their study, they converted 3 out of 24  The danger associated with the invasive procedures made
          laparoscopic procedures in cirrhotics, two were due to surgeon’s  surgeons cautious in performing those procedures. Hence, other
          inexperience. Hence, the experience of surgeon plays a key role  biochemical and indirect tests were performed to give evidence
          in performing a safe surgery in patients with cirrhosis of liver.  as to the status of liver. Ultrasound provided a good
                                                              noninvasive means but its ability to diagnose early cirrhosis is
          Factor 2: Anesthetic Techniques                     debated. It can very well provide clue to the damaged liver in
          As such, an adequate circulation and volume maintenance is  the form of architectural damage and portal engorgement in
          the key to a successful anesthesia in all cases. It does not  advanced stage of disease, but its ability to diagnose cirrhosis
          change in cirrhotics as hepatosplanchnic perfusion may be  in early stage is debatable. Moreover, it gives false-positive
          impaired in cirrhotic cases. But certain drugs like isoflurance  results of metastatic disease in some cases of macronodular
          increase hepatic regional blood flow, halothane is noted of  cirrhosis.
          increase hepatic arterial resistance. Fentanyl, vencuronium and  Laparoscopy has an advantage over other diagnostic means
          pancuronium do not significantly affect hepatic blood flow and  especially in liver cirrhosis. It gives a visual impression of the
          may be preferable in cirrhotic patients. 9          severity of the case and also macroscopic evidence of the
                                                              destruction of liver. Direct visualization of both lobes of liver
          Factor 3: Preoperative Preparation                  gives a comprehensive view of the amount of liver diseased by
          In elective surgery, a good preoperative preparation is surgery  cirrhosis. A biopsy performed laparoscopically has the
          half done. No words can describe the importance of recognition  advantage of taking the specimen under direct vision and not
          of coagulopathies by proper investigations and correcting them  blindly as taken by needle biopsy which may not hit the target
          prophylactic Vit-K administration and/or transfusion with fresh  and falsely give a negative report though there may be
          frozen plasma, lowering of portal hypertension with medications,  cirrhosis. 19
          maintain adequate fluid and electrolyte balance and control of  Laparoscopy also allows application of direct pressure or
          infection if present. Garrison et al (1984)  had identified absolute  a heater probe to attain hemostasis in the event of bleeding
          serum albumin concentration, presence of infection or  from a biopsy site and may hence be carried out safely
          contamination and number of seconds partial thromboplastin  despite hematological abnormalities (e.g. PTR > 1.3; platelet
          time is deviated from its control value as the three main  < 80,000/mm ) which routinely contraindicate blind
          preoperative variables that predict surgical outcome in cirrhotic  percutaneous biopsy.
          patients. 10                                           The use of diagnostic laparoscopy has, therefore, expanded
                                                              in liver cirrhosis so much that Vargas et al (1995) recommended
          Factor 4: Good Operative Technique                  that diagnostic laparoscopy should be incorporated into the
          Some authors have advocated a number of operative techniques  training programs for gastroenterologists in America.  Haydon
          to help minimize the morbidity associated with surgery in  and Hayes (1997) also advocated that physicians in the United
          cirrhotic patients undergoing laparoscopic procedures.  Kingdom should be the ones performing diagnostic laparoscopy.

          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2011;4(3):136-139                       137
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