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                                                        Current Laparoscopic Management of Symptomatic Meckel’s Diverticulum

          management. Search revealed 20 articles, of which those  reported, neither was there any need for conversion to open
          published after the year 2000 were reviewed, and the search  surgery in any of the procedures. The hospital stay ranged
          further expanded to include related citations. Articles describing  from 3 to 9 days (mean 5.3 ± 1.2). There were three (8.3%) cases
          laparoscopic management of Meckel’s diverticulum were then  of postoperative adhesive intestinal obstruction; two
          selected for analysis. A description of the various procedures,  underwent successful laparoscopic adhesiolysis and one
          as provided by the various authors is included. Attention is  necessitated conversion to suprapubic laparotomy to release
          paid to key variables namely, mean operative time, intraoperative  the pelvic adhesions. Over the 16 months median follow-up
          complications, duration of postoperative hospitalization and  period, no other complications were reported.
          results tabulated to allow for easy comparison.        Ranitidine augmented 99mTc scintigraphy was performed
                                                              in 14 out of the 16 patients presenting with lower GI bleeding
                                                              and was suggestive of gastric heterotopia in 12 patients (85.7%).
          The largest published series since 2000, was that by Sai Prasad  Histopathological analysis found 15 out of the 16 patients
          et al.  This was a review of 36 patients (27 males and 9 females)  (93.7%) to have gastric with or without pancreatic heterotopia.
          who underwent laparoscopic-assisted transumbilical Meckel’s  Overall, this study found ectopic gastric, pancreatic or duodenal
          diverticulectomy (LATUM) between October 2002 and April  epithelium in 25 patients (69.4% of the study population). Five
          2006.                                               (50%) of the incidentally detected MD showed gastric
             The procedure described in this series was a two or three  heterotopia.
          port technique using first a 10 mm umbilical port for the  Shalaby et al  reviewed the clinical data of 33 children
          laparoscope inserted by the Hassan technique and combined  who were admitted with rectal bleeding and/or recurrent
          with two 5 mm operating ports inserted in the left iliac fossa and  abdominal pain with no identifiable cause, over a period of
          suprapubically. The second operating port being omitted for  8 years, at their institution. This study group consisted of
          cases of bleeding MD.                               23 male patients and 10 females with a mean age of 5.12 years
             After systematic laparoscopic examination of the intra-  (range, 3-12 years). In 21 cases, Meckel’s diverticulum was an
          abdominal contents, Meckel’s diverticular complications when  incidental finding on laparoscopic appendectomy and
          present were managed laparoscopically, following which the  symptomatic in 12 cases. Preoperative workup for patients with
          freed MD was delivered through an extension of the linea alba,  rectal bleeding included upper gastrointestinal endoscopy;
          while maintaining the skin incision within the umbilical cicatrix,
          to allow extracorporeal diverticulectomy and hand-sewn  colonoscopy and technetium Tc 99m-labeled pertechnetate scan
                                                              in the addition to the routine investigations performed for all
          intestinal anastomosis. The authors describe their procedure
          as LATUM. In this study, one patient with a torted MD  other patients.
          underwent intracorporeal diverticulectomy after endoloop  Pneumoperitoneum was created by open Hasson’s
          ligation of the base.                               technique using a 12 mm port to a pressure of 12 mm Hg.
             Clinical presentation of patients in this study population  Through this port, a 10 mm telescope was used for initial
          was as follows:                                     visualization of the whole abdomen and two 3 mm accessory
          •  Sixteen (44.4%) patients presented with lower    ports were inserted on both sides of the lateral borders of the
             gastrointestinal bleeding (14 with painless bleed and 2 with  rectus muscle below the level of the umbilicus. Following
             perforated peptic ulcer in the ileum adjacent to the MD).  complete laparoscopic visualization of the abdomen, the
          •  Six (16.7%) patients presented with intestinal obstruction  ileocecal segment was identified and the terminal ileum was
             (four due to a mesodiverticular band and one each due to  examined stepwise from ileocecal junction proximally using
             intussusception and floppy giant cystic dilatation of MD  atraumatic graspers.
             causing intestinal compression)                     Laparoscopy was able to make a correct diagnosis in all 12
          •  Four  (11.1%) patients presented with features masquerading  symptomatic patients. These included MD (n = 8),
             as appendicitis (one with Meckel’s diverticulitis and  intussusception secondary to M (n = 1), duplication of distal
             perforation, one with perforated peptic ulcer adjacent to  ileum (n = 1) and no pathology was identified on detailed laparos-
             MD and two with a torted and gangrenous MD)      copic examination.
          •  Ten (27.8%) patients, incidental MD with a narrow, base  If a Meckel’s diverticulum was identified, a 3.3 mm telescope
             were noted at laparoscopic exploration for suspected  was placed through the left accessory port leaving the umbilical
             appendicitis.                                    port free for either application of a endostapler-cutter and
             All patients underwent successful LATUM along with  specimen extraction (LMD-Laparoscopic Meckel’s
          appendicectomy.                                     Diverticulectomy) or for exteriorization of the diverticulum to
             LATUM along with appendicectomy was successfully  facilitate laparoscopy-assisted Meckel’s diverticulectomy
          performed in all patients.                          (LAMD).
             Mean operative duration was 125.9 ± 48.4 minutes, ranging  The choice of whether LAMD or LMD was based on the
          from 72 to 266 minutes. No intraoperative complications were  appearance of the MD.

          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2011;4(3):140-145                       141
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