Page 16 - Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 16

Morvendhran Moodley

             LAMD was performed for bleeding and for those patients  trocars are inserted in the lower quadrants. The MD is pulled
          with short incidental MDs, with height-to-width ratio (HD ratio)  through the umbilical incision and resected extracorporeally.
          less than 1.6, so as to ensure complete removal of ectopic mucosa  The umbilical incision is slightly enlarged to accommodate the
          that may line the proximal end of MD and adjacent ileal mucosa.  bowel.
          The intestinal segment bearing MD was delivered through the  Four patients underwent the three-trocar technique
          umbilical port site to the abdominal surface. Small bowel  (LAP, n = 4). The remaining five underwent the video-assisted
          resection and anastomosis were then accomplished    transumbilical single-trocar technique (VAT, n = 5) procedure.
          extracorporeally either by manual suturing or by an endostapler-  In this study, the choice of the technique of resection was left
          cutting device.                                     to the discretion of the surgeon. Indications for surgery included
             LMD was performed for long MDs, either symptomatic or  gastrointestinal bleeding (VAT, n = 3; LAP, n = 2), malrotation
          incidental with HD ratio greater than 1.6. The tip of the MD was  (LAP, n = 2), intussusception (VAT, n = 1) and abdominal pain
          held and pulled toward the anterior abdominal wall and an  (VAT, n = 1). All patients were male, and age ranged from
          endolinear-stapler-cutter device was applied obliquely to its  7 months to 17 years for the VAT group and 8 months to
          base to remove all the diverticular tissue without threatening  15 years for the LAP group.
          the ileal lumen.                                       The average length of surgery for the LAP vs VAT was
             In those cases where no lesions were found on diagnostic  128 minutes (94-170 minutes) and 81.4 minutes (42-96 minutes)
          laparoscopy, laparoscopic appendectomy (LA) alone was  respectively. Of the five patients undergoing LAP, two Ladd’s
          carried out.                                        procedures and three appendectomies were included during
             In all, LMD and LAMD were done for 18 and 12 MDs,  the same anesthesia. Only a single appendectomy procedure
          respectively.                                       was performed during a VAT. The average time until full feeds
          The mean operative time was as follows:             with the LAP and VAT was 4.3 days (2-8 days) and 2.0 days
          •  45 minutes for LA and LMD was 45 minutes         (1-3 days) respectively. The overall length of stay with LAP vs
          •  55 minutes for LA and LAMD was 55 minutes        VAT was 4.3 days (2-8 days) and 3.7 days (2-5 days). Only one
          •   The mean operative time for LA and laparoscopic release  case using the LAP method required conversion to an open
             of intussusception was 30 and 35 minutes respectively.  laparotomy because of unclear anatomy. The only complication
             Long MD with HD ratio greater than 1.6 was found in  reported was a single patient who developed postoperatively
          18 cases. Short MD with HD ratio less than 1.6 was found in  ileus in the LAP group.
          12 cases. The histopathologic studies confirmed heterotopic  Chan et al  report their 10-year experience with laparoscopic
          gastric mucosa (HGM) in 13 cases (43.3%). HGM was present  management of complicated Meckel’s diverticulum cases
          in the distal end of six long cases and in seven short MDs; it  presenting in childhood from 1998 to 2007. Their study group
          was found in the proximal end.                      contained 20 children (17 males and 3 females), with a mean age
             No intraoperative or postoperative complications occurred.  of 5 years, ranging from 7 months to 13 years.
             Mean hospital stay in this study group was 1.66 ± 0.8 days  Diagnostic laparoscopy was performed on all patients and
          (range, 1-5 days). No postoperative complications were reported.  proceeded successfully to laparoscopically-assisted
          All patients were reported to be asymptomatic after 1 year of  transumbilical Meckel’s diverticulectomy in 18 patients. Two
          follow-up.                                          patients required conversion to open surgery due to nature of
             Clark et al  conducted a retrospective chart review of patients  the pathology. The mean operative time was 115 minutes with a
          who underwent laparoscopic excision of MD from 2000 to 2005  range from 50 to 190 minutes. All the children had an uneventful
          at their center. Nine patients were identified. They describe a  recovery, except one, who experienced a postoperative wound
          3 port, laparoscopy-assisted procedure (LAP) and a single port  infection. Ectopic gastric mucosa was found in 14 cases. Mean
          video-assisted transumbilical procedure (VAT).      hospital stay reported was 6.9 days (range of 5-9 days).
                                                                 Cobellis et al  describe their experience with nine patients
          VAT Technique                                       with a median age of 6.1 years (range, 6 months to 13.6 years)
          A 10 mm trocar is placed through a vertical, transumbilical incision  who underwent single trocar transumbilical laparoscopic-
          and a pneumoperitoneum is established. A 10 mm, zero degree,  assisted procedures for Meckel’s diverticulum between January
          operative laparoscope with a 400 mm atraumatic grasper is used  2001 and December 2004. They used an intraumbilical Hassan
          to run the bowel and to locate the MD. The MD is pulled through  10 mm trocar inserted in an open fashion after which a 10 mm
          the umbilical incision and resected extracorporeally. The  operative laparoscope was introduced. Using an atraumatic
          umbilical incision is slightly enlarged to accommodate the bowel.  instrument, the terminal ileum was grasped exteriorized through
                                                              the umbilicus allowing ileal exploration and treatment to be
          LAP Technique                                       performed extracorporeally.
          A 10 mm trocar is placed through a vertical, transumbilical incision  Meckel’s diverticulum was identified in eight patients and
          and a pneumoperitoneum is established. Two working 5 mm  ileal duplication in one patient. Resection/anastomosis was

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