Page 6 - Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 6

          Muhammad Nurhadi Rahman, RK Mishra
                    The Camera-holding Robotic Device in

                                      Laparoscopy Surgery

                                         1 Muhammad Nurhadi Rahman,  RK Mishra
                      1 Urogynecology Division, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Sardjito Hospital, Faculty of Medicine
                                           Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
                       2 Chairman and Director, World Laparoscopic Hospital Pvt Ltd, DLF Cyber City, Gurgaon, Haryana, India


             Background: The inconvenience of laparoscopic operations lies mainly in the difficulties in mutual understanding between the surgeon
            and the camera assistant who maneuvers the laparoscope according to the surgeon’s instructions. Another problem arises when the
            operation has to be performed for many hours. In this case, the camera image tends to become unsteady due to fatigue of the camera
             assistant. The self camera-control by the surgeon gives more stability of the laparoscopic image. A robotic camera assistant, directly
             under surgeon’s control, can help the surgeon control the view better. This review is limited only in the robotic camera holder to replace
             the assistant camera holder in laparoscopy surgery.
             Materials and methods: Several types of the camera-holding robotic devices, such as the AESOP, EndoAssist, PMAT and PARAMIS
             were reviewed respectively.
             Discussion: Most of the camera-holding robotic devices have the advantages, such as elimination of the fatigue of the assistant who
             holds the camera, elimination of fine motor tremor and small inaccurate movements, delivery of a steady and tremor-free image,

             nondependency on camera operator, reduced cost of surgery and reduced number of highly skilled staff. Some of them have additional
             advantages and disadvantages depend on their uniqueness.
             Conclusion: There is no fundamental difference between the operation performed with and without the devices, but the machines do
            contribute to certain aspects of the operations and may help to overcome some of the difficulties encountered in these complex
            laparoscopy procedures. Unavailability and variability in quality of human camera-holders should not be an obstacle to performing
            satisfactory laparoscopic surgery. Therefore, some form of standardization of assistance is required and laparoscope-holding systems
            are a first step in this direction.
            Keywords: Camera-holding robotic device, Robotic camera assistant, Camera holder, Laparoscopy surgery, AESOP, EndoAssist,
            PMAT, PARAMIS.

          BACKGROUND                                          Surgical System  classified as a master-slave surgical system.
                                                              It uses true 3D visualization and EndoWrist . It was approved
          Robotic surgical devices have developed beyond the
          investigational stage and are now routinely used in minimally  by FDA in July 2000 for general laparoscopic surgery, in
          invasive general surgery, pediatric surgery, gynecology,  November 2002 for mitral valve repair surgery. The da Vinci
          urology, cardiothoracic surgery and otorhinolaryngology.  robot is currently being used in various fields, such as urology,
          Robotic devices continue to evolve and as they become less  general surgery, gynecology, cardiothoracic, pediatric and ENT
          expensive and more widely disseminated.  But not every  surgery. It provides several advantages to conventional
          country, especially, the developing countries ready for this. In  laparoscopy, such as 3D vision, motion scaling, intuitive
          the developing countries, the conventional laparoscopy  movements, visual immersion and tremor filtration. The advent
          surgery is just about to grow.                      of robotics has increased the use of minimally invasive surgery
             The term ‘robot’ was coined by the Czech playright Karel  among laparoscopically naïve surgeons and expanded the
          Capek in 1921 at Rossom’s Universal Robots. The word ‘robot’  repertoire of experienced surgeons to include more advanced
          is from the ‘Czech’ word robota which means forced labor. The  and complex reconstructions. 2
          era of robots in surgery began in 1994 when the first AESOP  Manipulation of instruments is what makes the difference
          (voice, controlled camera-holder) prototype robot was used  between laparoscope holders and fully operational robots, such
          clinically in 1993 and then marketed as the first surgical robot  as the da Vinci . These robots allow the surgeon to perform
          ever in 1994 by the US FDA. Since then, many robot prototypes  meticulous dissections and microsutures in restricted and
          like the EndoAssist (Armstrong Healthcare Ltd, High Wycombe,  difficult-to-reach areas. However, their exorbitant price, their
          Buck, UK), FIPS endoarm (Karlsruhe Research Center,  volume, their technological complexity and long setup time mean
          Karlsruhe, Germany) have been developed to add to the  they have not yet entirely won over the surgical community
          functions of the robot and try and increase its utility. Integrated  and their cost-effectiveness still needs to be evaluated. It should
          surgical systems (now Intuitive Surgery, Inc.) redesigned the  be made perfectly clear that the rationale for fully operational
          SRI Green Telepresence Surgery System and created the daVinci  robots and laparoscope holders is different; robots are not meant

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