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          Atul Soni et al
          The Role of Thoracoscopy in Diagnosis and

          Treatment of Pleural Disease

          Atul Soni, Vandana Bansal, Amitabh Goel

          ABSTRACT                                            alternative approach for sympathectomy for upper extremity
                                                              hyperhidrosis, sympathetic dystrophy and Raynaud’s
          Intrathoracic disease involving lungs and pleura encountered
          frequently and remains a challenging clinical problem.  phenomenon. 3  Good short-term results are reported for
             The definitive diagnosis of lung or pleural disease some times  achalasia via thoracoscopic esophagomyotomy.  Indeed, the
          remain unclear despite thoracocentesis, closed pleural biopsy,  indications for VATS continue to evolve. 3-6
          transthoracic needle aspiration or bronchoscopy. Recent
          advances in endoscopic technique, video equipment and  Although thoracoscopy is used for such procedures,
          development of better instrumentation have contributed to the  adequate controlled trials confirming its superiority to
          resurgence of thoracoscopy as a diagnostic and thoracoscopic  conventional open thoracotomy are lacking. Its evaluation
                                                              has been based on performance in selected patients by
          Keywords:  Malignancy, Needle biopsy, Pleural disease,  experienced operators. In this review, we discribed the
          Thoracoscopy, Tumor.
                                                              thoracoscopy’s technique, advantages, disadvantages,
          How to cite this article: Soni A, Bansal V, Goel A. The Role of  diagnostic utility, therapeutic and operative applications,
          Thoracoscopy in Diagnosis and Treatment of Pleural Disease
                                                              complications and controversies.
          World J Lap Surg 2012;5(1):4-15.
                                                                 Finally, a few thoughts about future directions of this
          Source of support: Nil                              emerging technology are shared.
          Conflict of interest: None declared
                                                              PROCEDURE DETAILS
                                                              Simple rigid thoracoscopy (without video assistance) must
          Thoracoscopic surgery of the chest using a simple rigid  be differentiated from VATS (with video assistance). Simple
          scope was first described in terms of its original concept in  rigid thoracoscopy is the use of a metal, illuminated scope
          1910 by Dr Jacobaeus,  a Swedish internist. It proved to be  placed into the pleural space for the purpose of diagnosing
          safe and diagnostically accurate. Its major use subsequently  pleural disease or performing minor therapeutic maneuvers
          was in the era of collapse therapy with lysis of    such as pleurodesis. Video equipment is not used. Operators
          pleuropulmonary adhesions for tuberculosis treatment. 2  can use a lighted mediastinoscope, thoracoscope, or
          With the development of antituberculous drugs in the late  laparoscope. The mediastinoscope offers a large working
          1940s, thoracoscopy was all but abandoned except for  channel and provides for excellent visualization of the
          diagnosing pleural disease. In 1970, Dr Joe Miller, Jr, at  pleural space. Simple rigid thoracoscopy can be performed
          the Emory Clinic, began to match changes in technology  under local anesthesia in an endoscopy suite or under general
          with clinical applications and the thoracoscopy has  anesthesia in an operating room.
          reemerged as an alternative approach to open thoracotomy  For simple rigid thoracoscopy, the patient is prepared
          in the management of chest disease. Minimally invasive  and draped in the lateral position with the affected side
          thoracic surgery allows the performance of surgical  upward. The entry point is usually between the third and
          procedures in the chest cavity utilizing small incisions and  sixth intercostal space along the midaxillary line, depending
          specially-adapted, video-endoscopic instruments. This  on the indication.
          affords a quicker and less painful convalescence for the  Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) primarily
          patient. Many procedures which were previously performed  used by thoracic surgeons, VATS is a surgical technique
          with larger incisions can now be done thoracoscopically,  used to potentially minimize the morbidity of an open
          with comparable results. Thoracoscopy is useful for the  procedure.
          diagnosis and treatment of a variety of intrathoracic  The thoracoscope consists of a slender fiberoptic tube
          processes, such as for solitary pulmonary nodule resection,  that can be inserted into a 1/2 inch incision in the chest.
          metastatic resections, open lung biopsies, pericardiectomies,  The image is then combined with a tiny telescopic lens, a
          pneumothorax repair, resection of small mediastinal tumors;  powerful light source, and a small video camera and is
          lung-volume reduction for pulmonary emphysema and   projected onto a TV screen. The surgeon can literally see
          pleural space drainage procedures. It has become an  into the chest. Then using graspers, endoscopic scissors and

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