Page 40 - World Association of Laparoscopic Surgeons - Journal
P. 40

Santhosh Narayana Kurukkal

             There were concerns about the safety of the         The efficacy of nonabsorbable polymer ligating (NPL)
          nonabsorbable polymer locking clips since 2004 to 2006  and titanium clips applied with and without a 1 mm vascular
          and FDA had temporarily banned it in 2006. With     cuff at physiologic and supraphysiologic pressures in vitro
          reintroduction late in 2006, transplant surgeons, urologists  equine-vessel model was compared by Jellison FC et al  in
          and minimally invasive surgeons were using the polymer  Loma Linda University Medical Center, CA. Ten millimeter
          locking clips extensively for securing the renal artery in  NPL and standard Ti clips were applied to veins (10 mm)
          donor nephrectomies as it was clear that the reported clip  and arteries (10, 6 and 5 mm) with and without a 1 mm cuff
          malfunctions were not frequent. Even though it is infrequent,  and tested until they held a pressure of 300 mm Hg (veins)
          it is catastrophic and we should respect the privilege of  or 760 mm Hg (arteries) for 2 minutes or leaked. The NPL
          kidney donor.                                       clip was noted statistically more secure on 10 mm veins
             Intraopeartive clip malfunction is not infrequent.  with and without a cuff, 10 mm arteries with and without a
          Maartense S et al reported two cases of perioperative clip  cuff and 6 mm arteries with a cuff than was the Ti clip.
          dislocation during laparoscopic donor nephrectomy and the  Leaving a 1 mm cuff resulted in a statistically higher leak
          techniques to tackle the situation.  In the first case, during  point in all vessels tested except the 6 mm arteries secured
          left HLDN the clips placed on the renal artery dislodged,  with the Ti clip. They concluded that the NPL clip was more
          and the surgeon managed to control the bleeding by  secure than the Ti clip on larger arteries and veins. A 1 mm
          compressing the focus of the bleeding with his finger.  vascular cuff enhances the security of both NPL and Ti clips
          A balloon occlusion catheter was inserted through a groin  in vessels of all sizes. The NPL clip is secure and reliable
          incision in the aorta and advanced to the origin of the renal  in securing both arteries and veins.
          artery. Due to control of the hemorrhage, it was possible to  Endolinear stapling devices with clips in hand-assisted
          close the renal artery stump by laparoscopic suturing and a  laparoscopic donor nephrectomy were compared by Baldwin
          conversion was averted. In the second case, during right  DD et al.  The stapling devices have a potential for misfire.
          HLDN, the clips on the renal artery dislodged during  Use of the NPL clip during laparoscopic donor nephrectomy
          stapling of the renal vein. The bleeding was controlled by  provides increased graft vessel length compared with the
          finger compression and new clips were placed. The cuff of  stapling device, and the NPL clip has a locking mechanism
          the artery was long enough to be clipped again. The use of  which may increase security compared with standard
          a balloon occlusion catheter is an elegant way to avert  titanium clips. The 50 consecutive HALDN patients in their
          conversion.                                         series were conducted with two parallel NPL clips used to
             Elliott SP et al  from the University of California studied  control both the renal artery and vein. They opined that the
          the bursting strength with various methods of renal artery  NPL clip was 100% safe and effective in controlling the
          ligation and potential mechanisms of failure. One end of an  renal artery and vein during HALDN, allowed for additional
          adult porcine artery (3-7 mm diameter) was occluded with  vessel length, and resulted in a disposable cost savings of
          a titanium clip, self-locking polymer clip or laparoscopic  US 362 dollars per patient.
          linear cutting stapler. Comparisons were made with one or  Another report comparing the outcomes in left renal
          two clips and with different distal cuff lengths (i. e. flush or  artery clipping vs  stapling in HALDN by James et al 15
          2 mm). The open end was secured to a pulsatile infusion  at the Medical College of Georgia. A 55 HALDN procedures
          pump. Leak/failure pressures were measured using a  were performed by one laparoscopy-trained urologist from
          digital barometer. The mean bursting pressures for the clips  2003 to 2007. During the first 30 months, 27 consecutive
          were found above physiologic arterial pressures (1220-  HALDN patients underwent renal artery occlusion with two
          1500 mm Hg). However, the vessels closed with the stapler  nonabsorbable polymer locking clips (group 1). The
          leaked at a lower mean pressure (262 mm Hg). Failure of  subsequent 18 months saw 28 consecutive HALDN patients
          titanium or self-locking polymer clips was the result of  receive three-row vascular stapling to occlude the renal
          vessel retraction into and behind the clip, while staple-line  artery (group 2). The preoperative patient factors were age,
          leakage occurred between individual staples. Bursting  sex, body mass index, serum creatinine (Cr) and presence
          pressures with the titanium and self-locking polymer clips  of supernumerary left renal artery. Intraoperative factors
          were unaffected by the number of clips or length of vascular  included estimated blood loss (EBL), operative time (OT)
          cuff. He concluded that all tested methods of vascular  and warm ischemia time (WIT). Postoperative data were
          control performed well at physiologic pressures, suggesting  24 hours Cr and hemoglobin concentration, transfusion
          that safety is not increased with traditional maneuvers such  requirement, hospitalization time and complications. Data
          as additional clips or longer cuff length.          are presented as mean ± standard deviation and analyzed

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