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                                                     Techniques to Secure Renal Hilum in Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomy

          staples and has been shown to preserve vessel length  lethal and cannot be neglected. As the live kidney donation
          compared with the Endo-GIA and Endopath devices. 20  is a gift of life, it is our responsibility to ensure the donor
          Laparoscopic donor nephrectomy is the preferred mode of
          renal procurement and it demands more surgical skill  1. FDA safety communications available in web http://
          compared to conventional laparoscopic nephrectomy. The
          need for adequate length of renal artery on the left side force
                                                               2. US FDA MAUDE database
          to reduce the renal artery stump. The need for securing  3. Maartense S, Heintjes RJ, Idu M, Bemelman FJ, Bemelman WA.
          gonadal, adrenal and lumbar veins make the situation    Renal artery clip dislodgement during hand-assisted laparoscopic
          difficult. The shorter right renal vein poses risk on the right-  living donor nephrectomy. Surg Endosc Nov 2003;17(11):1851.
                                                               4. Elliott SP, Joel AB, Meng MV, Stoller ML. Bursting strength
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                                                                  with various methods of renal artery ligation and potential
          during the clue time to reduce the warm ischemia time.
                                                                  mechanisms of failure. J Endourol Apr 2005;19(3):307-11.
             Nonlocking clips, locking polymer clips and staples and  5. Jellison FC, Baldwin DD, Berger KA, Maynes LJ, Desai PJ.
          ligatures were used, all with safety, but none is 100% safe.  Comparison of nonabsorbable polymer ligating and standard
          Stapling devices poses potential for missing, malformed  titanium clips with and without a vascular cuff. J Endourol Sep
          staple lines, and failure to release. In renal arteries with
                                                               6. Baldwin DD, Desai PJ, Baron PW, Berger KA, Maynes LJ,
          early branching, surgeons feel it challenging to get multiple  Robson CH, et al. Control of the renal artery and vein with the
          renal arteries with graft rather than to get the proximal end  nonabsorbable polymer ligating clip in hand-assisted laparos-
          with single stem. Stapler and NPL are costlier 12 and   copic donor nephrectomy. Transplantation 15 Aug, 2005;80(3):
          6 times respectively when compared with titanium clips.  310-13.
                                                               7. Casale P, Pomara G, Simone M, Casarosa C, Fontana L,
          NPL clips increase the graft length, locking mechanism
                                                                  Francesca F. Hem-o-lok clips to control both the artery and the
          increases security. Chances of dislocation are more with  vein during laparoscopic nephrectomy: Personal experience and
          intraoperative conversion and postoperative exploration.  review of the literature. J Endourol Aug 2007;21(8):915-18.
          Titanium clips poses the risks of scissoring, malformation,  8. Ponsky Lee, Cherullo Edward, Moinzadeh Alireza, Desai Mihir,
                                                                  Kaouk Jihad, Haber Georges-Pascal, et al. The Hem-o-lok clip
          jamming and dislodgement.
                                                                  is safe for laparoscopic nephrectomy: A multi-institutional
             Surgeon should be familiar to all the potential problems
                                                                  review. Urology Apr 2008;71(4):593-96.
          that arises with securing of the renal artery and should  9. Izaki H, Fukumori T, Takahashi M, Nakatsuji H, Oka N,
          anticipate the device malfunctions. Reminding some of the  Taue R, et al. Clinical research of renal vein control using
          precautions already known to all may be of use. Take    Hem-o-lok clips in laparoscopic nephrectomy. Int J Urol Aug
          precaution in all steps of vessel dissection, the vessel should
                                                              10. Yip SK, Tan YH, Cheng C, Sim HG, Lee YM, Chee C. Routine
          be nicely dissected off all fatty tissue before applying the
                                                                  vascular control using the Hem-o-lok clip in laparoscopic
          device. When using clips, a minimum number of two clips  nephrectomy: Animal study and clinical application. J Endourol
          should be applied on the donor side, with adequate gap  Feb 2004;18(1):77-81.
          between them to form a perfect dumbbell. Apply the clip at  11. Chibber PJ, Shah HN. Are titanium clips for control of the renal
                                                                  hilar vessels as unsafe as generally presumed? Surg Laparosc
          right angles to the vessel. Obliquely applied clips are
                                                                  Endosc Percutan Tech Aug 2006;16(4):276-80.
          insecure. Clearly visualize all around the clip. There should  12. Kapoor R, Singh KJ, Suri A, Dubey D, Mandhani A,
          be adequate vascular cuff beyond the clip (1-2 mm). Avoid  Srivastava A, et al. Hem-o-lok clips for vascular control during
          electrocoagulation in the vicinity of clips to prevent  laparoscopic ablative nephrectomy: A single-center experience.
                                                                  J Endourol Mar 2006;20(3):202-04.
          conductive tissue necrosis and subsequent clip dislocation.
                                                              13. Hsi Ryan SÂ, Ojogho Okechukwu NÂ, Baldwin D Duane Â.
          When using NPL clips, other augmenting modalities like
                                                                  Analysis of techniques to secure the renal hilum during
          the use of pretied loop suture, and use of a titanium clip  laparoscopic donor nephrectomy: Review of the FDA database.
          distal to the NPL clip can also be considered. Use of suture  Urology July 2009;74(1):142-47.
          ligature with inracorporeal or extracorporeal knotting is  14. Simforoosh Nasser, Aminsharifi Alireza, Z Saeed,
                                                                  Javaherforooshzadeh Ahmad. How to improve the safety of
          always safe there in the hands of a laparoscopic surgeon.
                                                                  polymer clips for vascular control during laparoscopic
                                                                  donor nephrectomy? Journal of Endourology Nov 2007;21(11):
          CONCLUSION                                              1319-22.
                                                              15. Bittner James G IV, Sajadi Kamran, Brown James A.
          The various securing devices for renal artery in laparoscopic
                                                                  Comparison of the renal artery occlusion techniques in hand-
          donor nephrectomy are generally safe, but not exempt from  assisted laparoscopic living donor nephrectomy. Journal of
          infrequent malfunctions and complications which can be  Endourology June 2009;23(6):933-37.

          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2012;5(1):21-26                              25
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