Page 42 - World Association of Laparoscopic Surgeons - Journal
P. 42

Santhosh Narayana Kurukkal

          common titanium clip failures resulted from scissoring or  2009, a polyglactin-0 tie was placed on the renal artery in
          malformation (52%), jamming (19%) and dislodgement  addition to the two usual Hem-o-lok clips in LLDN at our
          (14%). Clip dislodgement was most common with the   institution (n = 10) using a pretied loop suture (Endoloop
          locking clip, either postoperatively in seven (58%) or  ligature, Ethicon) placed on the artery stump, proximally
          intraoperatively in three (25%). Intraoperative conversions  to the aorta, after kidney removal. This artifice increased
          were required for 21 (36%), one (5%) and two (17%) for  operating time of 65 seconds (range, 35 to 85 seconds)
          staplers, titanium clips and locking clips respectively. The  with no modification of warm ischemia time and led to
          estimated overall failure rate was 3.0% for staplers, 4.9%  visually decreased aortic pulsation transmitted to the clips.
          for titanium clips and 1.7% for locking clips. They  Without evidence of increased safety, they assume
          concluded that donor surgeons must be familiar with and  that this use may protect surgeons from prosecution in
          anticipate the potential failures seen with each of the  cases of clip displacement. It certainly decreases the risk
          techniques used to secure the renal hilum. Knowledge of  of clip slippage and should be considered as a cheap, easy
          potential device failures, combined with prompt and
                                                              artifice to reduce the already low-risk of hemorrhage in
          appropriate corrective action, may limit donor morbidity
          when malfunction occurs. Finally, it is the responsibility of  17
                                                                 Liu et al  had concerns about the stapler malfunction
          surgeons to act as donor advocate and continue to petition
                                                              and satisfied clips. They had no vascular complications and
          device manufacturers to improve the safety of existing
                                                              no device failure during vascular control using polymer
          devices. In a previous study by the same author of
                                                              locking clips. They believe that polymer locking clips are
          complications with hemostatic devices during laparoscopic
                                                              safe, yielding greater vessel length during laparoscopic
          nephrectomy, they observed a greater proportion of locking
                                                              donor nephrectomy.
          clip failures occurring during donor procedures compared         18
                                                                 Geron et al  from South America described their
          with stapler and titanium clip failures (67 vs 24 and 19%  experience with the use of nonabsorbable polymer ligaclip
          respectively). 21                                   (NPL) to control the renal artery, vein, and ureter in hand-
             Nasser Simforoosh et al 14  reported the use of a new
                                                              assisted laparoscopic donor nephrectomy (HALDN). They
          modification of the technique for controlling the renal
                                                              performed 85 procedures and reported the NPL was safe
          pedicle during laparoscopic donor nephrectomy (LDN) with
                                                              and cost-effective, not increasing morbidity of the
          Hem-o-lok clips. They did LDN in 241 candidates. At the
          end of procedure for renal-artery closure, one 10 mm              19
                                                                 Edmund et al  reported a retrospective review of Mayo
          Hem-o-lok clip was applied a few millimeters distal to the
                                                              Clinic experience with 400 LDN from 1999 to 2007. The
          root from the aorta, and a medium-large titanium clip was
                                                              endovascular gastrointestinal anastomosis (GIA) stapler has
          applied distal to the Hem-o-lok clip using a nonautomatic
                                                              been used for renal vascular control for their donors since
          firing applier to exert sufficient closing pressure to the
                                                              the inception of their LDN program. Forty-one were on the
          titanium clip to ensure adequate tightness. Then the renal
                                                              right. There were no statistically significant differences
          vein was doubly ligated with one 12 mm and one 10 mm
                                                              between the donor groups or their respective recipients.
          Hem-o-lok clips. They reported that there were no
                                                              There were four (1%) stapler malfunctions, all occurring
          intraoperative or perioperative bleeding complications, clip
                                                              on the left side; two of these procedures were converted to
          dislodgments or slippages. The conversion rate was zero,
                                                              open to obtain hemostasis. There were nearly equal rates of
          and the mean warm ischemia time was 7.50 ± 0.71 minutes
          (range, 3-17 minutes). Graft function was excellent, with a  vascular complications, 4.9 and 4.7%, in the right and left
          mean serum creatinine concentration of 1.42 ± 0.46 mg/dl  groups respectively. The overall immediate graft failure rate
          after 12 months of follow-up and no renal-artery or vein  was 2.3%. Right and left recipient creatinine levels up to
          thrombosis in any of the grafts. They concluded that with  24 months demonstrated no statistically significant
          these techniques, there is more security on the arterial  differences. They proposed that the endovascular GIA
          closure, and sufficient pedicle length can be obtained for  stapler for left and right laparoscopic donor nephrectomy
          anastomosis. The warm-ischemia time is within an    is safe for the donor. It standardizes the process, minimizes
          acceptable range. Also, this approach is less expensive than  the need for additional maneuvers in securing the renal
          the use of endovascular staplers.                   hilum, and produces similar outcomes for the recipient. The
             Tmsit et al  reported the feasibility of a simple surgical  transplant team also plays an equally large role in favorable
          artifice that aims to preserve the advantages of lockable  graft outcomes.
          clips with increased safety while respecting the       In contrast to vessel wall occlusion with metal clips, the
          manufacturer’s legal recommendations. Since January  Endo-TA stapler transfixes the vessel with three rows of

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