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                                                    The Role of Thoracoscopy in Diagnosis and Treatment of Pleural Disease

          complete debridement, pleurectomy, and decortication for  connective tissue diseases, and other inflammatory
          empyema management has yet to be adequately proved. The  disorders. Thoracoscopy may be warranted when recurrent
          precise role for thoracoscopy instead of chest tube drainage,  effusions cause symptoms and are not controlled by repeated
          instillation of fibrinolytic agents, rib resection, or  large-volume thoracentesis. Usually, pleural biopsy
          thoracotomy-decortication is still controversial.   specimens are obtained to exclude infectious or neoplastic
                                                              etiologies, and pleurodesis is performed. Results are usually
          Malignant Pleural Effusions
                                                              excellent when talc is used, with success rates varying from
          In addition to diagnosis, an important indication for  65 to (is greater than) 90%.
          thoracoscopy in patients with malignant pleural effusions
          is pleurodesis. 10  Complete evacuation of pleural fluid,  Chylothorax
          maximization of lung expandability by removing adhesions,  Thoracoscopy has changed diagnostic and therapeutic
          and pleurodesis by talc insufflation (also known as talc  approaches to patients with chylothorax. Chylothorax is
          poudrage) results in short and long-term success rates of  usually caused by trauma or malignancy (primarily
          (is greater than) 90%. 11  Distribution of sterile, asbestos-  lymphoma). Thoracoscopic exploration may precede or
          free, US Pharmacopeia-approved talk powder on all pleural  replace an open thoracotomy. If the torn thoracic duct is
          surfaces is confirmed by thoracoscopic visualization.  visualized (having the patient drink heavy cream about
          Following pleurodesis, low-grade fevers should be expected  1 hour prior to the procedure may facilitate its detection), it
          in up to 30% of patients, and hospitalization duration  can be clipped or ligated endoscopically. Although survival
          averages 4.8 days. Pleurodesis can also be achieved by  is often limited in case of chylothorax from lymphoma, talc
          pleurectomy using standard dissection techniques or  pleurodesis may provide satisfactory resolution of effusions
          hydrodissection. 12  Because survival of patients with  and prevent deterioration of respiratory, nutritional and
          advanced pleural carcinomatosis is often short, the risks  immunologic status. 18
          and benefits of thoracoscopic pleurodesis must be carefully
                                                              Parenchymal Applications
          weighed against those of repeated thoracentesis, tube
          thoracostomy, or bedside pleurodesis through an indwelling  Spontaneous pneumotherax may occur in any individual,
          chest tube. The talc stimulates an adhesive obliterative  including those without existing lung disease. It is almost
          pleuritis. Austin and Flye 54  reported an overall 90%  always caused by the rupture of a subpleural bleb or bullae. 55
          effectiveness for talc compared with 87% for tetracycline  The choice of treatment depends on the size, symptoms,
          and 55% for tube thoracotomy alone in malignant pleural  presence of continued air leak and the recurrence rate. Small,
          effusions. Thus, thoracoscopic tale poudrage is an effective  asymptomatic pneumothoraces in patients with adequate
          option for managing symptomatic effusions; however, it  cardiopulmonary reserve may be managed by simple
          usually requires general anesthesia in a high-risk population.  aspiration or observation. If the pneumothorax is large or
          Talc itself is inexpensive, but the charges for sterilization,  symptomatic, closed tube thoracostomy is the main
          general anesthesia, and the operating room can substantially  therapeutic approach. But with a recurrence rate of 30%
          increase the total cost. Talc can be simply administered by  after the first episode and even higher for each subsequent
          slurry through tube thoracostomy, but only a limited number  recurrence, this may not be effective. 56  Thoracoscopy
          of patients have been studied. Appropriate dosages,  provides an excellent alternative to repeated chest tube
          measures to ensure complete pleural distribution, and  drainage in patients with recurrent or prolonged [usually
          adverse effect profiles for slurry have not been determine. 55  (is greater than) 5 days] pneumothorax. 24  Thoracoscopy
          Moreover, talc’s overall effect on patient outcome in  allows definitive treatment or inspection prior to
          malignant pleural disease is questionable as evidenced by  performance of a lateral or axillary thoracotomy.  Various
          the poor survival in the patients of Ohri et al.  Currently,  thoracoscopic techniques are available to manage
          thoracoscopic talc poudrage is reserved for the selected  spontaneous pneumothorax; namely talc poudrage, laser
          symptomatic group that does not respond to other agents  therapy and stapling. Thoracoscopic findings in patients with
          applied through closed tube thoracostomy. 54,55  It is also  spontaneous pneumothorax include normal appearance,
          performed in those patients with good performance status  pleural adhesions, small blebs [(is less than) 2 cm] on the
          and a reasonable expected survival.                 visceral pleural surface, and large bullae [(is greater
                                                              than) 2 cm]. Lesions can be removed using electrocautery,
          Recurrent Pleural Effusions of Benign Etiology
                                                              argon plasma coagulation, or stapled lung resection, with
          Recurrent pleural effusions of benign etiology are frequently  results that are similar to those obtained after open
          caused by heart failure, cardiac surgery, nephrotic syndrome,  thoracotomy (although the resulting pleurodesis may be

          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2012;5(1):4-15                                 9
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