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                                                    The Role of Thoracoscopy in Diagnosis and Treatment of Pleural Disease

          endostaples, the surgeon can perform a whole host of  removal of fibrin deposits or blood clots, and sectioning of
          procedures. Recent advances in endoscopic techniques,  adhesions that prevent complete inspection of the pleural
          surgical instrumentation, and air-tight endostaplers have  space and mediastinum. Sometimes these adhesions also
          contributed to the resurgence of thoracoscopy as a useful  inhibit complete lung expansion; they may also maintain
          diagnostic and therapeutic modality.                patency of visceral pleural tears in patients with spontaneous
             Certain VATS procedures can be performed under local  or secondary pneumothorax. In patients with complex
          anesthesia, but VATS typically requires general anesthesia  pleural effusions, suspected underlying trapped lung
          and is performed in an operating room. Operators commonly  requiring an attempt at reexpansion using positive pressure
          employ the double-lumen endotracheal tube or bronchial  ventilation, empyema, and multiloculated pleural effusions
          blocker for selective lung ventilation.             from infection or malignancy, the pleural space and
             Thoracoscopy is usually performed through one or  mediastinum can be safely explored using general anesthesia
          several small, less than 2 cm skin incisions made along the  and multiple access sites. Although comparative studies
          intercostal spaces. Patients are placed in the lateral decubitus  have not been performed, it is possible that complication
          position, involved side up, although some procedures, such  rates may be increased in this setting because of the
          as a thoracic sympathectomy, are performed with patients  increased morbidity of patients undergoing these
          in the supine position. Pleural trocars can also be safely  procedures, the use of general anesthesia and the invasive
          placed in the axilla, so that axillary thoracotomy IV sedation  scope of procedures being performed.
          and local anesthesia are administered using techniques
          similar to those employed when making a chest tube  Advantages and Disadvantages of Thoracoscopy
          insertion incision. Many operators prefer general anesthesia
          with single- or double-lumen endotracheal intubation
          performed in an operating suite. Certainly, the operating  Thoracoscopy offers the several advantages over more
          room is the accepted procedural area for diagnostic and  conventional techniques; namely, it (1) potentially permits
          therapeutic procedures such as lung biopsies, decortication,  access to the entire pleural cavity, including both the parietal
          or cardiovascular interventions.                    and visceral pleura, (2) allows for directly visualized
             Many procedures limited to removal of pleural fluid,  biopsies, certainty of representative tissue for diagnosis, and
          visualization, and biopsy of parietal pleura can be performed  (3) affords control of bleeding, (4) lysis of adhesions allow
          through a single skin incision made in approximately the  inspection, (5) recovery time from surgery (shorter hospital
          fifth to seventh intercostal space along the lateral chest wall  stays and a shorter duration of chest tube drainage compared
          of the involved hemithorax. When a 5 to 10 mm pleural  with thoracotomy)  and the level of pain experienced by
          trocar and cannula are interted through the incision, the  the patient is markedly reduced. Lastly,  the small incisions
          parietal pleura, diaphragm, and lung are well visualized.  used are better tolerated than the old larger open
          Pleural fluid is evacuated and parietal pleural biopsy  thoracotomy incisions.
          specimens are obtained from both normal- and abnormal-  Potential advantages of thoracoscopy over more
          appearing areas. A chest tube is placed through the incision  conventional techniques include certainty of representative
          site and connected to a suction device, and the lung is gently  tissue for diagnosis, reduced requirements for postoperative
          reexpanded. Because the duration of chest tube drainage  analgesia, shorter hospital stays, and a shorter duration of
          can be only a few hours, many patients are discharged the  chest tube drainage compared with thoracotomy. 42
          same day. In years past, this type of procedure was
          commonly referred to as pleuroscopy. Today, because of  Disadvantages
          the very minimally invasive nature of the procedure, it has
                                                              1. Invasive procedure
          become known as ‘medical thoracoscopy’.  Complications
                                                              2. Cost
          such as bleeding (from parietal pleural biopsy), lung
                                                              3. Loss of bimanual palpation of the lung
          perforation (during trocar insertion), or infection (from
                                                              4. Loss of binocular vision
          inadvertently using nonsterile techniques) are extremely
          rare. 4                                             5. Moreover, 20% of VATS procedures require conversion
                                                                 to thoracotomy, which can add operative time and cost. 7
             Advanced diagnostic and therapeutic procedures are
          usually performed in an operating suite. Multiple incisions
                                                              DIAGNOSTIC THORACOSCOPY
          allow the introduction of biopsy forceps, endoscopic
          scissors, electrocautery, suction-irrigation instruments, and  Pleural effusions:  Algorithms for investigating pleural
          grasping forceps to allow greater mobilization of the lung,  effusion of unknown etiology typically begin with

          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2012;5(1):4-15                                 5
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