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                                                     Techniques to Secure Renal Hilum in Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomy
          Techniques to Secure Renal Hilum in Laparoscopic

          Donor Nephrectomy

          Santhosh Narayana Kurukkal

          ABSTRACT                                            of the renal artery during a laparoscopic living-donor
                                                              nephrectomy because of serious risks to the donor. 1  The
          Laparoscopic donor nephrectomy is the standard of care in
          donor kidney procurement for renal transplantation. Use of  clips may become dislodged, which can lead to uncontrolled
          nonabsorbing polymer locking clips for securing the renal artery  bleeding, additional surgery or death of the donor. In 2006,
          in this procedure is widely practiced. The US FDA has given  the manufacturer added this contraindication to the
          instructions contraindicating the use of Hem-o-lok clips in
          securing renal artery in donor nephrectomy. This article reviews  ‘Instructions for Use’ after receiving 15 reports of 12 injuries
          the modalities for securing renal artery in laparoscopic  and three deaths which occurred between 2001 and 2005.
          nephrectomy published in the last decade.           Since, the contraindication issued in 2006, there have been
          Keywords: Laparoscopy, Donor nephrectomy, Renal artery,  three more kidney donor deaths, all associated with the
          Hem-o-lok, Clips, Staples.                          contraindicated use.

          How to cite this article: Kurukkal SN. Techniques to Secure  I searched online in the FDA MAUDE database
          Renal Hilum in Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomy. World J Lap  (Manufacturer And User Facility Device Experience) from
          Surg 2012;5(1):21-26.                               1/1/2001 to 6/30/2011, found two cases of death following
          Source of support: Nil                              use of Hem-o-lok clips in donor nephrectomy.  One of the
                                                              patient undergone laparoscopic donor nephrectomy in 2008
          Conflict of interest: None declared
                                                              and died on the following day. The incident was reported
                                                              as approximately 8 hours postoperative, a male donor
                                                              nephrectomy developed difficulty in breathing and became
          Laparoscopic donor nephrectomy is the standard of care  unresponsive. He was returned to surgery where an
          for live renal procurement in transplantations. Generally,  exploratory laparotomy was performed and intraperitoneal
          clips were used to secure renal artery, but at least five deaths  bleeding was encountered and evacuated from the
          from catastrophic postoperative hemorrhage following  abdominal cavity. It was noted the clip that had been placed
          laparoscopic donor nephrectomy were reported since 2005  on the renal artery stump during the nephrectomy was not
          attributable to insecure ligation of their renal artery by a  visible. A 1.5 cm tear was noted at the aorta, which was
          locking clip. US FDA issued a safety information on  clamped and repaired. The renal artery appeared thin and
          5/6/2011 that Hem-o-lok clips are contraindicated in ligating  friable. The patient developed DIC and expired.
          renal artery in laparoscopic donor nephrectomy. 1  The  The other report stated that a donor died a few hours
          alternatives are suture ligature, oversewing or stapling.  after a live, donor nephrectomy. The event occurred at the
          Techniques that use transfixion are difficult to perform,  national university hospital. No details were available. The
          time-consuming and challenging. This article reviews the  manufacturer (Weck, Teleflex Medical Research Triangle
          modalities used to secure renal hilum in laparoscopic  Park NC) examined the batch of Hem-o-lok clips and
          nephrectomy.                                        reported: Pulsatile pump testing was performed which
                                                              simulates the environment, the clips are subjected to during
                                                              surgery with respect to closure. The blood pressure that the
          An extensive electronic search of the medical literature  clips are subjected to is approximately twice the normal
          published in the last decade using the keywords laparoscopy,  blood pressure in humans. The clips were tested for 24 hours
          hand-assisted laparoscopic donor nephrectomy (HALDN),  and had an acceptance criteria of no clip slippage off the
          Hem-o-lok clips, staples for renal artery. Included the  vessels and no failure to the locking mechanism of the clips.
          articles mentioning securing of renal artery in laparoscopic  At the end of the 24 hours period, no solution was observed
          nephrectomy for other indications. Excluded articles on the  from the distal end of the clips. The results of the pulsatile
          mass ligation of renal pedicle.                     pump testing show the product performed satisfactory.
                                                              Based on review of the information provided and testing of
                                                              like product, the device could have been functioning as
          FDA issues safety alert to healthcare providers that Weck  intended, and we cannot conclude that the reported incident
          Hem-o-lok ligating clips should not be used for the ligation  was caused by a failure of the Hem-o-lock clip.

          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2012;5(1):21-26                              21
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