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          Priya Bhave Chittawar et al
           CASE REPORT
          Hysteroscopic Findings in an Unusual Case of Adenomyosis

          Priya Bhave Chittawar, Shilpa Sapre, Shilpa Bhandari

          ABSTRACT                                            fibroid uterus for myomectomy. There was no history of
          Adenomyosis is the presence of ectopic endometrial glands and  preceding amenorrhea.
          stroma in the myometrium. It traditionally presents with pelvic  Her previous cycles were prolonged with progressively
          pain, menorrhagia and dysmenorrhea in the fourth or fifth decade  worsening bleeding, flooding and passage of clots since
          of life. Here, we present a case of adenomyosis presenting with
          severe menorrhagia at the age of 23 years.          2 years. She was married for 3 years, not using any
             Traditionally, adenomyosis is diagnosed in histopathologically,  contraception and was desirous of conception. She was pale
          in hysterectomy specimens or myometrial biopsies. Noninvasive  with stable vitals. Examination revealed a uterus of 14 weeks
          modalities, such as transvaginal ultrasound and magnetic  in size, soft, mobile and tender with free fornices. Investi-
          resonance imaging aid in diagnosis in the office before treatment
          is undertaken. Office hysteroscopy is an established tool in the  gations revealed Hb of 7 gm%, beta hCG <1 IU/ml, thyroid
          diagnosis of abnormal uterine bleeding and infertility.While  function was normal, viral screen was negative and
          hysteroscopy does not have pathognomonic features of  coagulation profile was normal. Transvaginal ultrasound
          adenomyosis, certain patterns have been described in  scan revealed a bulky uterus with thick posterior wall and
          association with adenomyosis, including endometrial defects,
          abnormal vascularization and cystic hemorrhagic lesions.  myometrial cysts (Figs 1 and 2). She was taken for an MRI
             In this case of adenomyosis, typical appearance of circums-  which showed bulky uterus with T1 bright foci suggestive
          cribed endometrial defects on hysteroscopy was seen. This  of blood in myometrium and T2 bright areas in myometrium
          appearance has been described in literature but is the first report  suggestive of myometrial cysts (Figs 3 and 4).
          from India.
             Hysteroscopy has the potential to be an important additional  She continued to bleed despite progesterone and was
          procedure for the evaluation of uterine pathology, even in the  planned for a hysterolaparoscopy proceed. Hysteroscopy
          case of adenomyosis, because it offers the main advantage of  showed enlarged uterine cavity with endometrial defects at
          direct visualization of the uterine cavity and the possibility of
          obtaining histological specimens under visual control.  the fundus. The endometrial defects were seen as multiple
             With shifting focus toward conservative and fertility  punched out, circumscribed lesions in the fundal area.
          preserving management of adenomyosis, office hysteroscopy  A myometrial biopsy was attempted but tissue was
          is likely to emerge as an important tool in the diagnostic  inadequate for comment histopathologically. Both ostia
          armamentarium for adenomyosis.
                                                              were deep seated and right ostium showed periosteal
          Keywords: Adenomyosis, Hysteroscopy, Abnormal uterine  fibrosis. Decision to undertake laparoscopy was taken to
                                                              ascertain tubal status and consider adenomyoma resection,
          How to cite this article: Chittawar PB, Sapre S, Bhandari S.  if focal disease was found (Figs 5 and 6). On laparoscopy,
          Hysteroscopic Findings in an Unusual Case of Adenomyosis.  a bulky uterus covered with dense omental adhesions was
          World J Laparosc Surg 2013;6(2):102-104.
                                                              found; an adhesiolysis was done (Fig. 7). The posterior wall
          Source of support: Nil                              of the uterus was diffusely enlarged and we decided against

          Conflict of interest: None declared                 focal resection. Endometriotic blebs were seen in the POD.

          Adenomyosis is a benign disorder that is being increasingly
          diagnosed by noninvasive modalities, like transvaginal
          ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
          Hysteroscopic picture of endometrial defects in adenomyosis
          has been described in literature once. We report one more
          case of adenomyosis presenting at an early age of 23 years
          with menorrhagia, with characteristic hysteroscopic picture
          of multiple circumscribed endometrial defects at the fundus.
          CASE REPORT

          Mrs S, a 23-year-old nulligravida, was admitted in
          emergency with heavy bleeding since 20 days. She was
          admitted outside and given progesterone in high doses,
                                                                Fig. 1: Transvaginal ultrasound showing bulky uterus with
          4 units of blood transfusions and referred to us as a case of         myometrial cyst
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