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                                                               Hysteroscopic Findings in an Unusual Case of Adenomyosis

          POD was completely obliterated with dense bowel adhesions.  McCauseland et al postulated that myometrial hyper-
          Right ovary was normal. Left ovary was buried in POD.  trophy is caused by the ectopic endometrial glands.  This
          Final diagnosis was adenomyosis with stage IV endometriosis.  dysfunctional myometrium is inefficient in contracting and
          Considering the wish for fertility, she was put on injection  tamponading the bleeding myometrial arterioles. Brosens
          Lupron depot for 3 months and planned for IVF subsequently.  showed that widened junctional zone has reduction in
                                                              peristalsis compared to normal menstruating subendometrial
          DISCUSSION                                          zone and results in the menorrhagia. 2
          Adenomyosis usually presents as dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia  In this case, the patient was referred as a case of fibroid
          and chronic pelvic pain in multiparous women in the fourth  uterus.
          or fifth decade of life.                               Transvaginal ultrasound has a sensitivity, specificity,
             The diagnosis was traditionally histopathological with  positive and negative predictive values of 76.4, 92.8, 73.8
          hysterectomy specimens. With availability of imaging  and 88.8% respectively, in the diagnosis of adenomyosis.
          modalities, more and more cases are being diagnosed with  Typical ultrasound features of adenomyosis differentiating
          transvaginal ultrasound and color Doppler and magnetic  it from fibroid uterus are described. 3
          resonance ultrasound.                                  The features that differentiate it from fibroid are echo
             Also, atypical presentations are coming to the fore. In  texture which is not uniform, with poorly defined borders,
          this patient, the disease presented early at the age of  minimal mass effect on the endometrium or the serosa
          23 years. We could not find any similar report in the  relative to the size of the lesion, elliptical rather than globular
          literature of early presentation of adenomyosis. Menorrhagia  shape, lack of edge shadowing; ‘shaggy’ or whorled
          was the presenting complaint in this case. All other causes  appearance of the endometrium, small myometrial cysts or
          of excessive bleeding were ruled out.               spaces scattered throughout the myometrium, echogenic

            Fig. 2: Transvaginal color Doppler showing diffuse color flow  Fig. 4: MRI: T2 axial image showing symmetrically enlarged
                                                                uterus with T2 bright areas suggestive of myometrial cysts

           Fig. 3: MRI: T1 axial image showing bulky uterus with T1 bright  Fig. 5: Hysteroscopy showing defects at the fundus
               areas suggestive of hemorrhage in the myometrium
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2013;6(2):102-104                              103
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