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Barbed Sutures in Laparoscopic Myomectomy—Realistic Expectations: A Critical Review
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reviewed here seems to present a picture of comparable
healing rates and strength when compared to conventional ABOUT THE AUTHOR
suturing. Further studies with longer follow-up would be
Shyjus Puliyathinkal
needed to present a clearer picture on scar integrity with
Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, MES
use of barbed sutures. Most importantly, the use of barbed
Medical College, Perinthalmanna, Kerala, India
sutures can help to popularize laparoscopic myomectomy
Correspondence Address: 315, Sana Apartments, Puthanangadi
even among those surgeons who have been unable to master Malappuram, Kerala, India, Phone: +91-9747355709, +91-4933253305
laparoscopic knotting skills. e-mail:
World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2013;6(3):167-169 169