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                                       CO  Inducer, Indicator (EtCO ) and venting it, is the Healer of Subcutaneous Emphysema
           CASE REPORT
          CO  Inducer, Indicator (EtCO ) and venting it, is the Healer
          of Subcutaneous Emphysema
          Suman Gupta, Preeti Agrawal, Arunkumar Arumugam

          ABSTRACT                                            demonstrated to have the most important impact on the
                                                              rate of CO  absorption. 2
          Today, surgeons across the world have realized the benefits of
                                                                 Laparoscopic approaches in gynecologic procedure are
          laparoscopic approach, for short hospital stay, improved                3
          postoperative recovery times. Thus, laparoscopic surgeries are  being used since 1937.  Here, we report a case where
          being used with greater frequency in health care system.  massive subcutaneous emphysema developed in a patient
          However, laparoscopy is not without complications like, subcu-  undergoing laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy.
          taneous emphysema, pneumopericardium, pneumothorax, gas
          embolism, visceral injuries. Since, these complications remain
          a cause of concern, we need better trained anesthesiologist  CASE REPORT
          and laparoscopic surgeons. Regular assessment and
          monitoring should be done to recognize the complication  A 25-year-old 45 kg woman of American Society of
          as early as possible and prompt treatment for positive  Anesthesiologist (ASA) physical status II was scheduled to
          patient outcome.                                    undergo a laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy. She had no
             Subcutaneous emphysema is defined as the presence of
                                                              previous illness. Preoperative laboratory investigations were
          gas within the tissue, beneath the skin. Here, we describe a
          case report where the patient developed massive subcutaneous  within normal limits. She was shifted to the operation room
          emphysema during laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy.   (OR) and all standard monitor were applied [noninvasive
                                                              blood pressure (NIBP), pulse oximetry, electrocardiogram].
          Keywords: Carbon dioxide, Hyperventilation, Laparoscopy,
          Subcutaneous emphysema, Ovarian cystectomy.         Anesthesia was induced uneventfully with sodium
                                                              thiopentone 5 mg/kg (2.5%), succinylcholine 1.5 mg/kg,
          How to cite this article: Gupta S, Agrawal P, Arumugam AK.
                                                              fentanyl 2 µg/kg BW intravenously, O :N O 50% each and
          CO  Inducer, Indicator (EtCO ) and venting it, is the Healer of                     2  2
          Subcutaneous Emphysema. World J Lap Surg 2013;6(3):  0.5% halothane. Trachea was intubated with Portex 7.5 mm
          173-175.                                            cuffed endotracheal tube and confirmed by bilateral equal
          Source of support: Nil                              breath sounds and capnography showing end tidal carbon
                                                              dioxide (EtCO ). Neuromuscular blockade was achieved
          Conflict of interest: None declared
                                                              by nondepolarizing muscle relaxant injection atracurium.
                                                              Adequate minute ventilation was delivered with tidal volume
                                                              of 8 ml/kg BW and respiratory rate of 14/min. A nasogastric
          As budding surgeons are using laparoscopic approach for  tube was placed after induction of general anesthesia. The
          almost all surgeries with greater frequency, providing  Veress needle and trocar were inserted into the peritoneal
          anesthesia for laparoscopic surgeries has become a new  cavity without difficulty. Patient’s hemodynamics was stable
          challenge for anesthesiologist. It has its own advantages  initially during the procedure with an EtCO  of 30 mm Hg.
          and disadvantages. Laparoscopic surgery allows for  After 15 minutes of CO  insufflation there was a steady
          smaller surgical incisions and minimal invasiveness, while  rise of EtCO 2  from 30 to 78 mm Hg, with peak airway
          still providing sufficient visualization of peritoneal cavity.  pressure rising to 40 mm Hg. The insufflation pressure was
          Carbon dioxide (CO ) has proven to be beneficial for  reduced from 23 to 12 mm Hg. Hyperventilation was
          insufflations because of its rapid diffusion ability, low cost  instituted, even then there was no fall in EtCO . We took
          and decrease flammability compared with alternative gases  the patient on manual ventilation and noticed resistance in
          (air, helium, argon, and N O). However, insufflations  the bag and were unable to ventilate the patient despite
          can cause CO   diffusion into subcutaneous tissue to  adequate depth of anesthesia. Patient heart rate rose to
          cause subcutaneous emphysema. The incidence of      130/min and NIBP to 160/100 mm Hg. While auscultating
          subcutaneous emphysema in laparoscopic surgery is 0.3  for the air entry we undraped the patient, which unveiled
          to 3%.  Various risk factors attributing to it are increased  swelling of face, edematous eyes and crepitus all over the
          age, multiple surgical ports, high insufflations pressures  chest, both arms and abdomen as the patient had developed
          and prolonged surgical time.  Recently, the influence of  subcutaneous emphysema. Complication was notified to the
          insufflations pressures and surgical duration has been  surgeon and laparoscopic check was made for any rent in
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2013;6(3):173-175                      173
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