Page 35 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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Laparoscopic Ventral Hernia Repair with Polypropylene Mesh: A Literature Review
            Table 2: Some of the common mesh types             Contd…
            Name      Composition        Image                  Name      Composition        Image
            Prolene   Polypropylene                             Marlex    Crystalline
                                                                          polypropylene and high-
                                                                          density polyethylene

            Ultrapro  Polypropylene–
                      polyglecaprone                            DualMesh  e-PTFE

            Tutomesh  Bovine pericardium
                                                                Parietex   Polyester with collagen–
                                                                composite  polyethylene glycol–
                                                                          glycerol coating

            Sepramesh Polypropylene with
                      sodium hyaluronate                       dIscussIon
                                                               Hernia repair has to be completed by the placement of a mesh
                                                               except in few situations. 12,13  Which type of mesh is the best for
                                                               each hernia is a controversial issue. There are different surgeon’s
                                                               opinions as well as a large pool of mesh types to select from. These
                                                               mesh types differ in composition, coatings, pore size, strength,
            Timesh    Titanium–polypropylene                   shrinkage, and methods of fixation. The commonly used mesh
                      composite                                types are illustrated in Table 2.
                                                                  Complications secondary to the presence of mesh do occur
                                                               and there is no available mesh type without such a risk. In the
                                                               literature, there are reports of different complications associated
                                                               with different mesh types. 2,14,15  Among the common complications
                                                               are adhesions formation leading to bowel obstruction, fistulization,
            Proceed   Polypropylene–                           sinus formation, infection, and hernia recurrence. The development
                      polydioxanone                            of complications is sometimes related to the position of the mesh
                      composite with oxidized                  rather than to its composition. For example, the PPM triggers the
                      cellulose coating                        formation of adhesions, which is beneficial in the peri-peritoneal
                                                               position while may be harmful if placed intraperitoneal. 16
                                                                  Despite the fact that all the case series analyzed in this review
                                                               recommended a safe intraperitoneal placement of PPM, none
                                                               of them qualify as an acceptable level of evidence. They have in
                                                               common limited number of subjects and they vary in follow-up
                                                               duration as all had short-term follow-up. The assessment methods
            C-Qur     Omega-3 fatty acid-                      were also different between the studies, e.g., Bingener and
                      coated polypropylene                     colleagues used ultrasound scan to examine the presence of
                                                               intraperitoneal adhesions in their study. 4
                                                                  In the animal experiments two studies rejected the use
                                                               of intraperitoneal PPM while the third one did not give clear
                                                               recommendation but concluded that even coated meshes reduce
                                                               the incidence of adhesions only in the short-term. Table 2 illustrates
                                                               the common types of meshes. The results of animal experiments
                                                       Contd…  cannot be generalized directly to humans. Beside that they all lack

                                                       World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 13 Issue 1 (January–April 2020)  33
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