Page 39 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 39

Laparoscopic Intervention after VP Shunt

            cAse descrIptIon                                   antibiotics (cefuroxime and metronidazole) intraoperatively as well
            A 74-year-old female had been referred to the department of   as postoperatively for 5 days.
                                                                  In the postoperative phase, the patient presented no
            gynecology with ascites. She came to the hospital 3 weeks prior   complications and was discharged 24 hours after the operation.
            for dyspnea and tachycardia. She was initially admitted to the   There were no neurological symptoms. A neurosurgical consultation
            cardiology department with increased levels of d-dimer, troponin,   had taken place, and no intervention was recommended. The patient
            and pleural effusion. The medical history of the patient revealed   demonstrated an uneventful recovery. The histopathological
            a head trauma followed by an epileptic seizure. In 2004, she had   results showed papillary serous carcinoma of the fallopian tube.
            undergone several cranial operations resulting in a VP shunt.  The patient underwent an ovarian cancer typical laparotomy.
               As reported by colleagues from the cardiology department,   In the 8-month follow-up, the patient showed no neurological
            at the time of admission the patient was conscious, alert, and   complications.
            oriented. She presented with tachycardia (heart rate 144/minute),
            and the electrocardiography (ECG) showed atrial fibrillation and
            high blood pressure of 155/95 mm Hg. The laboratory results   MAterIAls And Methods
            were normal: white cell count, 8.8 trillion cells/L, hemoglobin 15  Search Strategy, Study Selection, and Data Extraction
            g/dL, normal serum electrolytes, and coagulation profile. A blood   We searched PubMed, EMBASE, and Google Scholar for all
            gas analysis showed the following values: pH: 7.47, pO : 70 mm   publications between January 1975 and December 2018 with
            Hg, pCO : 29 mm Hg, HCO : 23 mmol/L, lactate: 15 mg/dL, and   the search terms “ventriculoperitoneal shunt,” “laparoscopy,”
            O  saturation 96%. Chest X-rays revealed pleural effusion and   “complications,” “management,” “cerebral monitoring,” and
            lung infiltration. An ultrasound was performed, which showed   “intracranial pressure”.
            cholecystolithiasis and ascites. A paracentesis of approximately 6 l   The preliminary search results and article titles have been
            of ascites was carried out and a sample of the fluid was sent to the   reviewed. All studies published with an abstract in English which
            pathology. The atrial fibrillation was treated with beta-blockers,   reported at least one case of laparoscopic operation after VP shunts
            and the patient was started on anticoagulation therapy. The   were potentially eligible for inclusion and have been screened
            transthoracic echocardiogram had presented a mild mitral and   to assess whether a full text was possible to acquire. Then all
            tricuspid insufficiency and an ejection fraction of 40%.  abstracts and full texts for all potentially eligible studies were
               The pathology findings showed non-small cell adenocarcinoma   reviewed and data were extracted. The relevant abstracts have been
            and the patient was referred to the department of internal   selected of this initial pool. A reference list of retrieved relevant
            medicine to rule out lung, pancreas, and gastrointestinal   articles was screened for other studies. Any disagreement during
            malignancies. There were no tumor or suspicion lesions in   study selection and the data extraction process was resolved by
            the endoscopic ultrasound, esophagogastroduodenoscopy,   discussion with the senior author (Sv.B). We excluded studies that
            and colonoscopy. The computed tomography (CT) scan of the   were written and published in languages other than English or
            thorax and abdomen pointed out only suspicious abdominal   provided insufficient data.
            retroperitoneal lymph nodes, and there were no other relevant   A total of 136 publications were initially identified as eligible
            findings. The patient was referred to the department of   using the mentioned search terms. The inclusion criteria were met
            gynecology to rule out gynecological malignancy.   in 26 publications which came to 19.11%. A systematic review was
               During the examination in our department, she had normal   performed according to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
            vital parameters. The abdominal examination showed a distended   Reviews and Meta-Analysis guidelines (Liberati 2009).  Flowchart 1
            abdomen. No lesions or tumors were found in vaginal examination.   summarizes the article’s search strategy.
            The Pap smear was normal. The vaginal ultrasound revealed small
            ovaries and an endometrium thickness of 8 mm. To rule out a   results
            gynecological malignancy, we proceeded with hysteroscopy,
            dilatation, curettage, and laparoscopy with biopsies.  Population of Reported Patients
               In the operating room, the patient was placed in a supine   According to our research, 128 cases of laparoscopic operations
            position. After the induction of general anesthesia, an orogastric and   after VP shunt were reported between 1992 and 2018 (Table 1). The
            a Foley catheter were placed with the patient in the low lithotomy   collected data included the gender and the age of the patients, the
            position. A 1-cm umbilical incision was carried out, followed by the   kind of laparoscopic intervention, time from the shunt insertion to
            placement of the Veress needle and insufflation of the abdomen   the laparoscopic operation, the pressure of pneumoperitoneum,
            up to 20 mm Hg (high flow technique). After establishing a 20-mm   manipulation with the VP shunt during the operation, and the
            Hg pneumoperitoneum, a 10-mm port and camera were inserted   complications. In our analysis, we specifically focused on different
            in the abdominal cavity. The peritoneal contents were visualized,   approaches and managements in patients with VP shunts needing
            confirming no injury or abnormality. The distal VP shunt tube was   laparoscopic intervention. 1,2,8,10,17,19–39
            lying across a small bowel in the left peritoneum and appeared to   The age of the patients ranged from 1 to 79 years. The
            be intact without signs of abnormalities. The pneumoperitoneum   operations were performed by the departments of general surgery,
            was reduced and maintained at 14 mm Hg. Three liters of ascites   gynecology, and urology. The time from the shunt operation to
            were excreted. Because of adhesions in the left part of the pelvis, we   laparoscopy ranged from 5 days to 28 years. The year the shunt
            could not see the left ovary properly. After removing the adhesions,   was manufactured ranged from 1975 to 2013.
            there appeared to be suspicious lesions on the left fallopian tube   In different articles, 1,2,8,10,17,19–37,39,40  four important points
            and the left ovary. We took several biopsies and removed all of them   are considered and discussed: the risk of a shunt infection or
            in an EnDo-Bag. The surgical field was examined and there was   complication, technical difficulties carrying out laparoscopy in
            no bleeding. No drain was inserted. The patient was administered   patients with a VP shunt, the necessity of routine monitoring of

                                                       World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 13 Issue 1 (January–April 2020)  37
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