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Laparoscopic Ventral Hernia Repair with Polypropylene Mesh: A Literature Review
            Table 1: Summary of relevant studies
                          Year of
            Authors       publication  Type of study  Details of study  No. of subjects Follow-up time  Conclusions
            Zieren et al. 2  2004   Experimental in   Compared Vypro       3 months    Both meshes cannot be
                                    pigs          and prolene mesh                     recommended for intraperitoneal
                                                                                       placement in hernia surgery
                                                                                       because of their adhesion
                                                                                       potential and risk of bowel ob-
            Bingener      2004      Case series   Polypropylene   30 patients  14 months  PPM with interposition of
            et al. 4                              mesh with                            omentum is not associated with
                                                  interposition of                     visceral adhesions in the majority
                                                  omentum over                         of patients.
                                                  loops of bowel
            Burger et al. 3  2006   Experimental in   Compared             30 days     Recommended the use of Parietex
                                    rats          different types of                   composite and Sepramesh for
                                                  mesh                                 hernia repair in which direct
                                                                                       contact with the abdominal vis-
                                                                                       cera cannot be avoided.
            Doctor 5      2006      Literature review Compared                         Prosthesis with a barrier only
                                                  prostheses with                      should be used for intra-
                                                  and without                          abdominal placement to prevent
                                                  barrier                              bowel adhesions.
            Eriksen et al. 1  2007  Literature review                                  Choice of mesh depends on
                                                                                       surgeon’s preference and cost till
                                                                                       further randomized controlled
                                                                                       clinical trials are available.
            Jitea et al. 6  2008    Case series   Polypropylene   21 patients  6–12 months  Intraperitoneal PPM in umbilical
                                                  mesh with                            hernia repair is a safe, efficient,
                                                  omentum                              and rapid method avoiding
                                                  interposition                        infection complications in obese
                                                  between mesh                         cirrhotic patient.
                                                  and bowel
            Schreinemacher    2009  Experimental   Compared six            30 days     The absorbable layers of Parietex
            et al. 7                in rats       mesh types                           and C-Qur reduce adhesion
                                                  (PPM, Ultrapro,                      formation to intraperitoneal mesh
                                                  Proceed, Parietex                    in the short-term, but the effect
                                                  Composite, and                       diminishes and phagocytosis
                                                  c-Qur)                               of absorbable coatings may
                                                                                       contribute to adhesion formation.
            Qadri et al. 8  2010    Case series                 80 patients  28 months  Intraperitoneal use of PPM was
                                                                                       not associated with any significant
            Yildirim et al. 9  2010  Case series                25 patients  28 months  The tension-free repair of
                                                                                       incisional hernia with PPM in
                                                                                       the intraperitoneal position is
                                                                                       a safe and easy procedure with
                                                                                       acceptable morbidity and no
            Tran et al. 10  2012    Experiment in   Compared PPM           3 months    DualMesh caused fewer omental
                                    pigs          and DualMesh                         and visceral adhesions than PPM
                                                  with and without                     did.
                                                  fibrin sealant                       Fibrin sealant eliminated
                                                                                       adhesions to DualMesh and
                                                                                       prevented adhesions to PPM when
                                                                                       applied over the entire surface.
            Ramakrishna and  2013   Literature review Intraperitoneal                  Complications of intraperitoneal
            Lakshman 11                           PPM and newer                        PPM can occur with the newer
                                                  meshes in ventral                    meshes also. There is no
                                                  hernia repair                        statistically significant differ-
                                                                                       ence in the incidence of these
                                                                                       complications between these

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