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          M Patel et al                                                         10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1219
          OriginaL articLe

          Pain and Cosmesis following Four-Port Laparoscopic

          Cholecystectomy: The Patient View

          1 M Patel,  CP Neal,  AR Dennison,  MS Metcalfe,  G Garcea
          ABSTRACT                                            managed. The standard four-port laparoscopic cholecystec-
          Introduction: The standard four-port laparoscopic cholecys-  tomy (SLC) is the current gold-standard of surgical treat-
          tectomy (SLC) is presently the gold standard in gallbladder  ment, and remains the primary technique employed for the
          surgery in the United Kingdom. The introduction of single port   60,000 cholecystectomies performed annually within the
          laparoscopic cholecystectomy (SILC) is said to offer potential    1
          improvements in pain and cosmesis postoperatively. This study   United Kingdom.  In an attempt to reduce operative trauma
          surveyed patient satisfaction at each of their port sites following  and improve cosmetic results, there is a trend toward mini-
          uncomplicated four-port cholecystectomy.            mising the number of incisions with the use of single-port
          Materials and methods: Retrospective postal questionnaire   laparoscopic cholecystectomy (SILC) and natural orifice
          poll of 100 patients aged between 18 and 82. A ten-point visual
          analog score was used to assess postoperative pain at each   transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES). Our aim was to
          respective port site within the first 72 hours. A similar scale was  investigate patient satisfaction with the standard four-port
          used to assess cosmetic satisfaction relating to scar color, stiff-  technique by assessing postoperative pain and cosmetic
          ness, thickness and irregularity. Patients were asked whether or
          not they would prefer a single incision operation based on their   result scores as well overall satisfaction in an attempt to
          experience of the standard four-port technique.     identify whether a single-incision technique would help us
          Results:  Sixty-one patients returned their questionnaires  to provide a more acceptable patient experience.
          (61% response rate). The median pain scores were highest at
          the umbilical port site the epigastric port site collectively had   MATeRIALS AND MeThoDS
          the worst cosmetic outcome in terms of satisfaction with scar
          color, stiffness, thickness and irregularity. 79.7% of patients were     Study Protocol open Access
          satisfied with the four-port procedure and only 20.3% would have
          preferred a single-port operation if given the option.   The study consisted of a retrospective postal questionnaire
          Conclusion: Patient satisfaction with standard four-port chole-  poll of 100 patients aged between 18 and 82. Inclusion
          cystectomy is high. The umbilical port was consistently the most
          painful postoperatively, with cosmesis scores being worst for the   criteria included patients who had undergone an elective
          epigastric port site. However, there is no firm data that would  SLC (all performed by the same surgeon) within the last
          support SILC over SLC based on this evidence.       6 months (from December 2011 to May 2012). Those
          Keywords: Cosmesis, Pain, Scar, Port site, Cholecystectomy.  who required conversion to open cholecystectomy were
          How to cite this article: Patel M, Neal CP, Dennison AR, Met-  excluded from this study. Questionnaires were timed to be
          calfe MS, Garcea G. Pain and Cosmesis following Four-Port   received at 2 months following surgery. A ten-point visual
          Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: The Patient View. World J Lap
          Surg 2014;7(2):66-68.                               analog score (zero = no pain, ten = severe pain) was used to
          Source of support: Nil                              assess postoperative pain scores (within the first 24 hours)
          Conflict of interest: None                          at the four respective port sites. A similar scale was used to
                                                              assess cosmetic satisfaction relating to scar color, stiffness,
          INTRoDuCTIoN                                        thickness and irregularity (zero = like normal skin, ten =
                                                              very different to normal skin). Patients were asked to report
          Over the last two decades, minimally invasive surgery has   port site wound infections and overall satisfaction with their
          revolutionized the way in which symptomatic gallstones are
                                                              operation. More specifically, they were asked whether or not
                                                              they would prefer a single incision operation based on their
                                                              experience of the standard four-port technique.
            1,2 Specialist Trainee,  Consultant
            1,2 Department of General Surgery, University Hospitals of   operating Technique
            Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom
                                                              A standard four-port technique utilizing 10 mm incisions at
            3-5 Department of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery
            University Hospitals of Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom  the umbilicus and epigastric region, with two lateral 5 mm
            Corresponding Author: M Patel, Specialist Trainee, Depart-  retraction ports. The gallbladder was retrieved from the
            ment of General Surgery, University Hospitals of Leicester   epigastric port site using a standard commercially available
            Leicester, LE5 4PW, United Kingdom, Phone: 0116 258 446    endoscopic retrieval bag. All port sites were infiltrated with
            Fax: 0116 268 4708, e-mail:
                                                              local anesthetic postprocedure (Fig. 1).
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