Page 16 - WJOLS
P. 16

Ahmad Jameel Ismail, RK Mishra

          registered animal breeding houses and conduct of the  axillary line and the target port at the 3rd intercostal space
          research was obtained. At the end of the experiments eutha-  along the midclavicular line (Fig. 3).
          nasia was induced and the animal carcasses were disposed
          according to the provisions.                        Port Placement in VATS Heller’s Esophagocar-
             The animals were anesthetized (ketamine, propofol,   diomyotomy
          diazepam, midazolam and tramadol). The ports were created   The ports placement for VATS Heller’s esophagocardio-
          using surgical scalpel and air was insufflated into the chest   myotomy by the BDP requires putting the optical port at 7th
          cavity to collapse the ipsilateral lung. The optical trocar   intercostal space along the midaxillary line, the 1st working
          was inserted blindly while the working ports were inserted   port at the 8th intercostal space along the posterior axillary
          under vision. Pericardial window was done using a grasper   line and the 2nd working port at the 6th intercostal space
          and a scissors. esophagocardiomyotomy was done with   along the posterior axillary line.
          the alternating use of scissors, monopolar hook diathermy   The TTP requires placing the optical port at the 7th inter-
          and grasper for retracting the lower lobe of the left lung.   costal space along the midaxillary line, the 1st working
          Monopolar hook diathermy was used to do thoracic sym-  port at the 8th intercostal space along the posterior axillary
          pathectomy. At the end of the procedure euthanasia was   line and the target port at the 5th intercostal space along the
          conducted by giving high dose of succinylcholine and the   midaxillary line (Fig. 4).
          carcasses disposed appropriately.
             There are some limitations of this research which include:  Port Placement in VATS
          (i) the small sample size because the study is on animal    Thoracic Sympathectomy
          models which are not commonly used now because of strin-
          gent legislations and the limited time (ii) swine models have   The ports placement for VATS thoracic sympathectomy by
          flimsy tissues and are easily injured and the space between   the BDP requires putting the optical port at 5th intercostal
          the anterior and posterior axillary lines are shorter which   space along the midaxillary line, the 1st working port at the
          limit exposure.                                     4th intercostal space along the posterior axillary line and
                                                              the 2nd working port at the 3rd intercostal space along the
          BDP vs TTP                                          anterior axillary line.
          Port Placement in VATS Pericardial Window              The TTP requires placing the optical port at the 7th inter-
                                                              costal space along the anterior axillary line, the 1st working
          The ports placement for VATS pericardial window by the   port at the 8th intercostal space along the posterior axillary
          BDP requires putting the optical port at 8th intercostal space   line and the target port at the 4th intercostal space along the
          along the posterior axillary line, the 1st working port at the   midaxillary line (Fig. 5).
          6th intercostal space along the posterior axillary line and
          the 2nd working port at the 7th Intercostal space along the  RESULTS
          anterior axillary line.                             VATS Pericardial Window
             The TTP requires placing the optical port at the 7th
          intercostal space along the posterior axillary line, the 1st  The mean execution time for VATS pericardial window
          working port at the 4th intercostal space along the posterior  using the BDP for ports placement was 561seconds

              Fig. 3: Ports for VATS pericardial window: BDP vs TTP  Fig. 4: Ports for VATS esophagocardiomyotomy: BDP vs TTP

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