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M Patel et al
             Median cosmetic scores were higher (i.e. worse score) at  CoNCLuSIoN
          the epigastric port, closely followed by the umbilical port-   Patient questionnaires and feedback are central to assessing
          with ‘color’ as the feature scored as most unlike normal   and improving the quality of the services we provide. Intro-
          skin at both sites. Anecdotal evidence (also mentioned in   ducing SILC is unlikely to resolve the few issues which
          a number of studies) would suggest the site of gallbladder   have been highlighted with the standard technique. Overall
          retrieval is more likely to be complicated by postoperative   satisfaction with the conventional technique is high and this
          wound infection and/or pain. The patients, in this study,     has been confirmed in a number of studies. Published data
          underwent retrieval of the excised gallbladder via the
          epigastric port and this may account for the proportion of   quantifying the cosmetic benefits of SILC over SLC is sparse
          wound infections reported at this site and consequential poor   and there is a lack of data from randomized studies valida-
          cosmetic outcome. The main impetus behind the develop-  ting any benefit. Robust evidence is required to demonstrate
          ment of the SILC is a perceived benefit of superior cosmetic   that SILC provides a cost-effective superior cosmetic/overall
          outcome. There are six studies investigating cosmesis after   better outcome than the SLC. Ultimately, we have to raise
          SILC, with three reporting a significantly improved cosmesis   the question: ‘why fix it if it is not broken?’
          with this technique.  Interestingly, Bignell et al  assessed
          cosmetic outcome in women 4 years after SLC and con-  ReFeReNCeS
          cluded patients perceive cosmetic results after the procedure     1.  Available at: Date last
          as excellent, with further anecdotal evidence suggesting the   accessed on 13/10/2012.
          umbilical port as the site of problems for some patients.  We     2.  Navarra G, Pozza E, Occhionorelli S, Carcoforo P, Donini I. One-
                                                                  wound laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Br J Surg 1997;84(5):695.
          have confirmed the site of gallbladder retrieval will continue     3.  Marks J, Tacchino R, Roberts K, et al. Prospective randomized
          to cause problems with wound quality; importantly, the   controlled trial of traditional laparoscopic cholecystectomy
          results demonstrated the umbilical port site can be proble-  versus single-incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy: report of
          matic resulting in increased pain/suboptimal cosmetic result     preliminary data. Am J Surg 2011;201(3):369-372.
          irrespective of this technicality.                    4.  Prasad A, Mukherjee KA, Kaul S, Kaur M. Postoperative
                                                                  pain after cholecystectomy: conventional laparoscopy versus
             Whilst the aim of this study is not to compare the SLC   single-incision laparoscopic surgery. J Minim Access Surg
          with the SILC, it is our aim to measure the quality of the   2011;7(1):24-27.
          services we provide and also to assess for the potential to     5.  Leung D, Yetasook AK, Carbray J, Butt Z, Hoeger Y, Denham W,
          provide a better surgical experience. The implementation   Barrera E, Ujiki MB. Single-incision surgery has higher cost
          of the Health and Social Care Act 2012 places the patient   with equivalent pain and quality-of-life scores compared with
                                                                  multiple-incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a prospec-
          at the center of a new system. Patient experience, question-  tive randomized blinded comparison. J Am Coll Surg 2012
          naires/feedback and quality improvement will be central   Nov;215(5):702-708.
          to hospitals securing services. We are aware of the influ-    6.  Hall TC, Dennison AR, Bilku DK, Metcalfe MS, Garcea G.
          ence patient factors, such as recall accuracy may have on   Single-incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a systematic
                                                                  review. Arch Surg 2012 Jul 1;147(7):657-666.
          retrospective pain ratings, however, studies have shown     7.  Garg P, Thakur JD, Garg M, Menon GR. Single-incision lapa-
          retrospective reports of pain intensity are consistent with   roscopic cholecystectomy vs conventional laparoscopic chole-
          those made while the pain was experienced.  Although we   cystectomy: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
          have not directly compared the SLC with the SILC, we have   J Gastrointest Surg 2012 Aug;16(8):1618-1628.
          been unable to generate evidence from our experience with     8.  Monkhouse SJ, Court EL, Beard LA, Bunni J, Burgess P. A
          the SLC that would support the use of a single umbilical   retros pective wound review of standard four-port laparoscopic
                                                                  cholecystectomy: is there need for single-port laparoscopic
          incision to replace the SLC; the problems which do exist   surgery? Surg Endosc 2012 Jan;26(1):255-260.
          have been demonstrated to be acceptable to patients across     9.  Bignell M, Hindmarsh A, Nageswaran H, Mothe B, Jenkinson A,
          a number of studies and are those which are unlikely to be   Mahon D, Rhodes M. Assessment of cosmetic outcome after
          resolved by a single incision operation. It is possible, given   laparoscopic cholecystectomy among women 4 years after
          our data, that SILC may offer a marginal benefit in cosmesis   laparoscopic cholecystectomy: is there a problem? Surg Endosc
                                                                  2011 Aug;25(8):2574-2577.
          by avoiding an epigastric incision. However, it remains to     10.  Rohini T, Niven CA, Brodie EE. How well do patients recall
          be determined if the additional expense incurred by SILC   past experience of pain? Nursing Times 2007 Nov;103(42):
          would make this cost-effective.                         34-35.

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