Page 8 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 8

Jung Min Bae
          Statistical significance was determined when p­value is  inserted to 15 mm trocar port and resected appendix
          below 0.05 in all analysis.                         was grasped by laparoscopic specimen grasper and was
             All of laparoscopic surgeries were performed by  performed trans-trocar appendix removal (Figs 1 to 4).
          specialized laparoscopic surgeons. Laparoscopic surgery   In patients in using 11 mm trocar and failure of trans-
          was performed to all patients in supine position under  trocar removal, specimen removal was performed by
          the general anesthesia. Three port maneuver were used.  disposable specimen vinyl bag identical to conventional
          One 11 or 15 mm trocar for laparoscope entered at the  laparoscopic method.
          inferior margin of umbilicus with either a vertical or   In all of patients, patient controlled analgesic system
          semicircular transverse skin incision. There was not  was applied postoperatively.
          selection criteria for TTAR or DSVB preoperatively or
          intraoperatively. The usage of 15 or 11 mm trocar were   RESuLTS
          selected randomly regardless of gender, age and body  The total number of patients was 119 people. Fifty-nine
          mass index (BMI) of patients and were performed in  patients were in the TTAR and 60 patients were in the
          almost identical ratios.                            DSVB and the male vs female ratio was 0.9:1 and 2:1
             A 5 mm laparoscope was inserted to visualize the  respectively. The age in TTAR and DSVB ranged 42.5 ±
          abdominal cavity. Two additional 5 mm ports entered at  35.5 and 47.0 ± 34.0. The average BMI of the TTAR was
          the left lower quardrant and the suprapubic area.   22.3 kg/m  and that of DSVB was 23.5 kg/m  showing
             Subsequently, the laparoscopic appendectomy was  no significant difference (Table 1).
          performed using procedures identical to those of con­  The average operation time of TTAR was 85.4 minutes
          ventional laparoscopic surgery.                     and that of DSVB was 92.5 minutes. The average of length
             In patients in using 15 mm trocar, after appendix  of hospital stay (days) in both groups were 3.59 and 4.06
          specimen was divided from appendiceal base, trans­  (Table 2).
          trocar removal method was performed. In trans-trocar   In both groups, superficial incisional site infections
          removal method, 5 mm camera was inserted to 5 mm  were  developed  in  5  persons.  But,  intra-abdominal
          trocar port and laparoscopic specimen grasper was  abscess was none.

                 Fig. 1: The appendix was grasped by laparoscopic   Fig. 2: The appendix was retracted into 15 mm trocar
                            specimen grasper

             Fig. 3: The appendix was divided from appendiceal base   Fig. 4: The resected appendix was removed in trans-trocar space
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