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                                 Two Port Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: An Initial Experience of 25 Cases with a New Technique
          OriginaL articLe

          Two Port Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: An Initial

          Experience of 25 Cases with a New Technique

          1 Aswini Kumar Misro,  Prakash Sapkota

          ABSTRACT                                            11 mm epigastric wounds land up in a dimension of 13
          Background: In Nepal, it is quite common to find patients with   to 14 mm or more at times at the completion of the pro-
          large stone burden and thick gallbladder wall which often leads  cedure. However, we have used this wound extension
          to incision extension. We have used this extended incision to   to our advantage by introducing another 5 mm port
          our advantage. The present technique of two port laparoscopic
          cholecystectomy  not  only  helps  overcoming  the  specimen   through the epigastric wound from the outset. This not
          extraction difficulties but also contributes to better cosmesis.  only obviates the need for any additional port insertion
          Patients and methods: A total of 25 patients underwent the  but also aids in specimen extraction. This forms the
          surgery in 2008 to 2010.                            rationale behind two port laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
          Results: The mean operating time was 50 minutes. None  With the technique described in this article, one will
          had significant procedural blood loss, iatrogenic injury, per-  be able to perform laparoscopic cholecystectomy with
          foration of gallbladder, bile spillage, significant gas leak or
          subcutaneous emphysema at either port site. All patients were   only 2 incisions leading to a more cosmetic scar and less
          comfor able in the postoperative period and were routinely  postoperative pain. Last decade has seen many innova-
          discharged on 2nd postoperative day except for two patients   tions like SILS, NOTES from healthcare industries driven
          who has surgical site infection and fever respectively. Although
          three  cases  were converted to standard 4 port technique,     by an ever increasing demand for cosmesis. However, the
          none required conversion to open cholecystectomy. Out of   cost factor keeps them out of the reach of a common man
          25 patients, 7 cases have completed 3 months follow-up and  in developing countries. This technique certainly adds
          did not show any complication like port site hernia.  to cosmesis still fitting to the budget of a common man.
          Conclusion: The described method of performing two port
          laparoscopic cholecystectomy is safe, simple and inexpensive   PATIENTS ANd METhodS
          yet cosmetically rewarding.
          Keywords: Laparoscopy, Gallbladder, Cholecystectomy, Port.  Twenty-five patients underwent the operation in 2008
          How to cite this article: Misro AK, Sapkota P. Two Port Laparo-  to 2010 after the hospital ethical committee approval.
          s copic Cholecystectomy: An Initial Experience of 25 Cases with   Informed consent was obtained from all the patients.
          a New Technique. World J Lap Surg 2014;7(3):103-106.
                                                              All the surgeries were performed by the same team of
          Source of support: Nil
                                                              surgeons. Every single patient had investigation proven
          Conflict of interest: None                          gall stone or related complications. Operative time, hospital
                                                              stay and complications were recorded in each case.
          BACKgRouNd                                             The patient characteristics are mentioned below.
          In Nepal, it is quite common to find patients with large   There were 10 males and 15 females patients and none of
          stone burden and thick gallbladder wall which often   the patients had any abdominal surgery in the past. The
          leads to specimen extraction difficulties. Out of all the   mean age was 40.5 years (27-55 years). All the patients
          available methods to facilitate the extraction like fascial   had BMI below 30.14 patients were ASA I and 11 were
          dilatation, stone crushing, ultrasonic high-speed rotary,   ASA II (8 patients were controlled hypertensives and
          or laser lithotripsy, we prefer to use incision extension   3 were controlled diabetics).
          since it has been described as the optimal method and   oPERATIvE TEChNIquE
          does not aggravate postoperative pain.  Many of the
                                                              Peritoneal entry is done by open technique with insertion
                                                              of a 10 mm port through the umbilicus. After creating
            1 Assistant Professor,  Lecturer                  pneumoperitonium, a 1 cm transverse skin incision is
            1,2 Department  of  Surgery,  Lumbini  Medical  College  and   taken in the midline at a level 1 inch cephalad to the
            Research Center, Palpa, Nepal                     level of inferior border of liver for the epigastric port. A
            Corresponding Author:  Aswini  Kumar  Misro, Assistant   10 mm port is inserted through the later incision verti-
            Professor, Department of Surgery, Lumbini Medical College   cally till it pierces the rectus sheath (This will be referred
            and Research Center, Palpa, Nepal, Phone: 00-97775-691344   henceforth as port 2). Afterwards, a slight right side
                                                              angling of the port is done to bring it through the angle
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2014;7(3):103-106                      103
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